HEY, EVERYONE! November is here and it's PULL-UPS MOTIVATIONAL MONTH! Join us today!

@jessica719 I have a fairly high ceiling to which I mounted my pull-up bar with rings. Can I get a rope for my home too? Is that sensible? If so, can anyone point me towards a good deal? Much appreciated!
@rdmarita Been working on chest to bar pull ups with pronated grip (almost 3x8) and L-sit pull ups on rings (almost 3x12) This is mainly due to not working pronated grip and always working on the rings (Only had access to rings the past year)

Have been training from not being able to do one 1.5 year ago and had alot of set backs along the way and some ''improper'' training in the beginning.

Went from 170cm to 180cm in the past 2 years and from 50kg to 62.5kg.

Working hard at it and climbing

Edit: also found out this vacation that i'm able to do both pull overs and muscle ups (just for fun and not really part of my training)
@lambo53 Also as i can sense this is about your own height too, just gotta jump the gun and say don't sweat it too much (i'm 10cm under the average where i live)
@rdmarita This seems fun. I'll try to play along for the month.

I'm healthy fit but need to work on strength. I can do 3 sets of 4 to 5 pullups but reading the above, my form is most likely lacking. So my goal will be to increase my form this month and hopefully my numbers too.
@rdmarita M/22/192lbs/5'10" I'm currently training for my physical fitness tests and (hopefully) officer candidate school for the USMC,which involves pullups.

My current level is about 11-15 pullups. I have been stuck at 15 for about 3 weeks now. My goal is at least 20 good pullups before I go for my test at the end of November.
@rdmarita Male, age 24, 181cm/5'11, 78kg/172lbs, one year and two months of structured training.

I can currently do 7 overhand (palms forward) pullups with an 11kg/24lbs dumbbell above my knees or 11 unweighted pullups, from a passive hang to the middle of the neck touching the bar, no kipping.

Here are some tips:
  • Externally rotate the arms so that the elbows look back and not out, a good cue is trying to bring the hands in a chin up position and bending the bar. This greatly reduces the chance of shoulder impingement.
  • When depressing the shoulders upward rotation of the scapulae (accomplished by mid and low traps and serratus anterior) reduces the chance of overuse injuries.
  • Do not try going higher by twisting the wrist into a sort of false grip, this greatly stresses the elbow. Just keep your knuckles facing the sky, the thumb can be over or under the bar depending on preference.
  • To engage the lats think about the arm movement: you want shoulder extension, so the elbow going down and even slightly behind the body if you are strong and want to touch the bar with your sternum or chest.
  • For optimal range of motion, every rep should start with straight arms and relaxed scapulae optionally. You can keep the arms externally rotated at the bottom.
  • An excellent cue to achieve acceptable range of motion at the top is being able to touch the bar with the middle of your neck. Not just the bottom of your chin, so that you don't get tempted to crane your neck instead of proper shoulder extension.
  • Related to the point above, no need to look up. Just keep looking forward and if your range of motion is good you will be able to retract your shoulders and touch the bar with your neck while looking forward. This is optional, just being at the height where this can be done is enough.
Thanks to these cues I went from an injury where I had to restart from active hangs and even a single pullup was painful while I had achieved 9 pullups some weeks before getting hurt. Now every pullup feels great, even with added weight.
@rdmarita I have a slight problem. I can do about ten perfect pullups in one go however I can barely do six on the second set and I don't even bother doing more than two in the third set because I'm too tired.

I've never been able to do 3x8, the best I did was 3x5 and it was very difficult with form falling apart in the last pullup.

How do I go on about achieving a 3x8?