How do y’all afford protein foods😭

@dikaioumenoi I find it cheaper to have protein shakes and meal replacement shakes for my protein intake but obviously prefer real food. I try to have meat and veg for dinner, protein rich snacks etc bit rarely do I seek to meet my target without not a big chicken fan
@dikaioumenoi I'm using applied nutrition diet whey off amazon atm as its cheap and doesnt taste too bad but my fav is optimum nutrition, that one's expensive though

I always get some kind of chocolate flavour as I find fruity ones taste wrong

The asda meal replacement shakes have about 20g of protein too and there's like 10 sachets for £4 which is also not bad, they're very filling and help me go without snacking

I'm in the uk though so may have access to different ones than you
@dikaioumenoi as far as high protein snacks i go to grocery outlet because they have a surprising amount of health foods. I buy mostly greek yogurt and the big 10lb bags of frozen chicken tenderloins. I also get cottage cheese and spinach a bit. my only vices are quest bars and chips
@dikaioumenoi I'm dairy free, so I do a lot of ground turkey, chicken thighs, eggs, tofu, and beans. I'll do tuna every once in awhile. I have a Costco membership that saves some money. Otherwise I buy stuff at Trader Joes.

I use Orgain protein powder which on the cheaper end of protein powders and I can usually find it on sale somewhere.
@dikaioumenoi NGL. I eat TONS of beef jerky. I get the all-natural stuff. I always keep a stick in my handbag just in case I’m on the go and don’t have time for a healthy meal. I find it really delicious and it cuts down on my cravings for sweets!
@dikaioumenoi Egg whites is literally clean protein. I mix a cup of plain cooked egg whites with my oatmeal for breakfast, mix a cup of it with 2 oz grilled chicken for a lunch if I want… cottage cheese, high protein Greek yogurt, homemade cheese, egg and deli meat lunchables…. Easy!!!
@dikaioumenoi I eat Magerquark everyday. It's like a german cream cheese, you can have it sweet with granola or savoury as a dip. 100g contains ~69kcal and 12g of protein. I mix a bit of water in it to get a smoother consistency.
@dikaioumenoi There is a certain financial privilege that comes with consuming more and various types of protein products. It’s very different to meet 0.6g of protein of your bodyweight (in lbs) vs 1g. It also depends on your protein goals and probably calorie intake (you might be looking for protein sources that are lower in carbs and fats if you are in a cut, and often lentils, beans, and tofu may not compare to lean meats or protein powder). If you have difficult goals to meet, you might need to take a step back and prioritize. If you’re a college student in the US you may be eligible for food stamps to help the financial side of it.

Also I don’t like consuming that much meat either… I have low protein goals and also enjoy tofu dishes, fish, shellfish, quinoa, eggs and egg whites, etc.
@dikaioumenoi If you have an Aldi near you, their prices are great. Cheap Greek yogurt and cottage cheese, cheap jerky sticks, cheap protein puffs (240 cal for the entire bag and like 40g of protein for $2.99!), cheap egg whites, cheap salmon and other meats, and cheap protein powders/bars. I have not tried their powder as I'm loyal to Quest and Optimum Nutrition, but their pricing is wayyyy better.