How do y’all afford protein foods😭

@dikaioumenoi I am dairy free (lactose intolerant)… Frozen fish, chicken (I’ll buy the marked down ones if there’s still a couple days left on it, and if I have some that needs made before I can eat it I still make it and just pack it for lunch too and that stretches it a few more days), wheat pasta, wheat bagels, oats, protein powder or bars, eggs, deli meat (on bagels as a sandwich is my fave, or just rolled up on the side lol), peanut butter (it can go on ANYTHING), peanuts, quinoa, couscous… to counter the price of my protein I buy a lot of frozen veggies and fruits and buy my grains in bulk if I can… lentils, chickpeas, beans, these can be bought in cans or in dry bulk… don’t be afraid to buy things marked down or on sale or to check for coupons.. and take advantage of anything on sale that’s actually useful for you, even if it’s not protein, bc that will leave you with more money for your protein :)
@dikaioumenoi Do you have a Costco membership or know someone who can take you? As others mentioned, it’s a good place to buy meat in bulk to keep in the freezer.

Canned tuna has so much protein. I think there’s like 40g in a Costco can. There’s also canned chicken if you prefer that. I will season and eat them over spinach, or fixed up nicely as a salad for a toasted sandwich, or in a raw bell pepper (so much vit c!).

I also love salmon. Smoked salmon on a protein bagel. I also like the ‘Emily Mariko’ salmon rice bowl and I add edamame beans, which also have 10g protein.

Cottage cheese or greek yogurt blended into a smoothie with low sugar granola. I buy the blueberry cinnamon NuTrail granola.

For other snacky foods: Cheese whisps (good price at Costco) Biena chickpeas, harvest snap pea crisps (also Costco for a good price). There are also dry roasted salted edamame beans that are packed with protein. Ive always found them at TJ maxx and Homegoods.

Also protein milks. You can get a bunch from Costco or get protein powders and do it that way.

I also really like the frozen falafel from trader joes. It won’t be as loaded in protein as meat, but it has fibre too. Same with other beans, nuts, and seeds. I like almond butter on a rice cake with honey, cinnamon, and sliced bananas.

Edit bc forgot to mention:

Mission Tortilla protein wraps. I make a sriracha chickpea mash and make a wrap with spinach and sliced bell pepper.
@dikaioumenoi Honestly fruits and vegetables are more expensive to me. I get 100g of protein and only eat meat at one meal a day. Yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese, and protein shakes go a long way
@dikaioumenoi milk, plain greek yogurt, lentils, and chicken are how i get most of mine. i also drink a protein shake every other day to help me if i'm low on ingredients. i use a true nutrition vegan protein powder-- half a scoop--, 1/2 tbsp of cocoa powder, and about 1.5 cups of skim or lowfat milk for around 30g. one or 2 times a week i'll make a spicy tuna salad with 2 eggs.

meat, beans, and dairy are very very good ways to rake in the protein without calories being way up there.
@dikaioumenoi I buy 15-pack cases of Premier Protein shakes from Sam's Club. I don't know if they cost less in the club, but with (free) shipping they come out to $1.75/shake for 30 grams of protein. Sodium content is high, but I live with it. Shipping is free, though, only with a Sam's Plus membership. I split the cost of the membership with a friend, and when she needs more shakes, I buy them and ship them to her house, then she reimburses me (via Venmo). I easily go through 2 cases a month, so paying 1/2 for the Plus membership is a good deal - I'd pay more in shipping without it. Of course, I could go to the Club, but the time, hassle, and cost of gas aren't worth to me what I'd save on a membership. There are lots of flavors (my favorite is the caramel; my friend likes the chocolate best): shakes?rootDimension=Brand:Premier Protein
@nadira A lot of my diet is chicken too, but you have to eat so much (at least it feels like that to me) to meet macros goals. Sometimes it feels overwhelming. It’s good that the volume keeps me full though
@dikaioumenoi You don't have to get protein from meat. It's actually more cost effective and easier to eat protein rich vegetables like broccoli, green peas, and spinach, as you can get them frozen.
@mercyy I don't think I could manage to eat the volume of food I would need to in order to get my protein from vegetables. The stats I saw were peas are about 5g protein for 100g of peas (broccoli and spinach are lower). To hit my 120g protein goal from peas I'd need to eat 2.4 kg or over 5 pounds. For broccoli or spinach it would be more like 8 pounds.
@jeanclaude I think that's one of the main draws of volume eating in general, however I was thinking of combining said foods with other sources of protein as well as spacing it out throughout the day.
@dikaioumenoi I check flyers weekly for sales and stock up on ingredients. Meats can be stored in the freezer until you use it. Buying in bulk at Costco is usually cheaper too. You might want to check smaller private owned grocery stores as their prices are usually lower compared to big chain stores. Also, you don't need to buy brand names. I buy the store brands too if they're cheaper (ex. Safeway's Compliments).

Because I check flyers weekly, I know what a good deal is. Maybe there's some bargain hunter or extreme couponing subreddit you can check out too?

You can always have a protein shake too!!! I usually use my protein powder 1-2 times a day!!
@dikaioumenoi Big bags of frozen chicken breasts! Right now the Kroger by me has 6lbs for $19; $3/lb for boneless, skinless breast is a great deal.

Also shop the ads! Some stores by me have Foster Farms $0.99/lb chicken legs or leg quarters quite regularly!
@dikaioumenoi The protein powder I buy is $19 and there’s 18 servings per container. I also buy protein bars that may not have the best macros because they’re a lil cheaper. Every morning I have 3 eggs and protein pancakes or waffles (I like Kodiak cakes and to me it’s worth the extra $3 a week, but you can also just mix powder into regular pancake mix). Then for dinner I always have some type of meat. Lunch is either fast food, a Turkey sandwich, or leftovers from dinner.

I’m in college so I do what I can. Usually end up with over 100g protein a day.