How do I get a physique like this?

@amberemilee I’d say I’m slightly fatter than the dudes in the pictures. I have zero definition, but I have a pretty flat stomach… just a bit soft lol. But if I’m wearing clothes you’d think I’m skinny.

The thing that makes this tricky is I used to struggle real bad with an eating disorder, so I’m avoiding the PPL 6 days a week split - was thinking about it but realized I was getting waaaay too obsessive over it.

Ideally I could find a plan that’s relatively simple/doesn’t require a massive commitment and just lengthen my timeline. Like, I’m cool if it takes me a long while to reach my goals.
@cici1234 i would do the full body 3x a week then. just stay consistent and maybe in the beginning ear high calories to take advantage of noobie gains and then cut the calories after you get some muscle built
@cici1234 i'd say you're on the right path. you may need to up your caloric intake, i'm not sure as everyone's body is different. Maybe 2000 calories is enough, but you most likely need to be putting on a bit of weight which you can later cut down to get this physique and 2000 calories is not enough for most men to gain weight, especially if you're working out hard.

Maybe add some active rest in there. play basketball, go for a jog, etc 2-3x per week.

But also, if you just started out maybe give it a couple months to see if you are getting the results you want. 3 full body workouts / week is a solid number and you are getting plenty of protein, you have the basics down, so give it a bit.
@cici1234 Based on your height and weight, basic calisthenics like pull ups, push ups, sit ups (or any ab workout of your choice) and being consistent will likely get you there.

Also, I wouldn’t worry about having to eat 2000 calories a day. The guys you’re referencing aren’t exactly bodybuilders or seem to be putting in a lot of dietary work to get their physique. Some basic calisthenics, consistency, and patience will get you where you want to be.

Good luck my friend. We believe in you. 💪
@cici1234 Advice I always give to beginners, especially skinny ones, is don't worry too much about targeting a certain physique. Worry about getting stronger. The physique will come. You're not going to accidentally get really muscular. That takes a lot of hard work.

If I were you I would just focus on strength training and a diet for building muscle. Make sure you're doing progressive overloading and doing more resistance as time goes on. Make it a short term goal to gain 10 lbs of mostly muscle. The guy in the pics isn't super muscular, but it sound like he's got more muscle mass than you, so that's going to be your first step.

Once you gain 10 lbs you'll be in a much better position to decide what to do next. Maybe you'll decide you want to bulk up some more then cut. Maybe you'll decide your good where you're at, but you'll also be a lot more knowledgable, so it will be easier for you to decide what to do next.
@cici1234 This looks like a sports physique, if you can, then join a basketball or football team, or do some resistance cardio with minimal weight training along with your current diet
@cici1234 Given you're a sedentary job, and have limited hours, rowing machine at a gym will give you the most bang for your buck. Cardio at the same time as strengthening upper, lower, and core.

If you're home training only, things like mountain climbers, push up burpees, inch worms, bear crawls, superman's.

Look into interval training.

In your scenario, I'd go whole body every second, and still have a life.
I've put on about 30lbs since then, and my abs are still exactly like that, as I don't train abs. But I just started training them recently as I thought I may as well get an actual 6 pack.