How do I get a physique like this?

@cici1234 Start lifting weights and focus on your diet and sleep, you won't add much muscle unless you start upping the calories. A strength base will improve your physique and gave you a platform to transition into other sport if you so choose
@cici1234 Very achievable physique there’s nothing super pronounced either so a bulk and calisthenics and if you can some type of physical hobby like rock climbing or martial arts but don’t forget to stretch and get mobile before calisthenics training it will hinder in the long run
@cici1234 eat at a maintance and recomp (lose fat and gain muscle),for like 6 months. Im assuming youre a beginner based on this post in which case youre lucky because this is the one time recomping will work great. Id recommend and upper lower split with mainly compound movements. for lower do sissy squats or pistol squat/regressions of those. alex leonidas has videos on both those movments. i would heavily encourage some sandbag work for your posterior chain so you dont end up a total glassback with no hamstrings. The Stone Circle has good content on sandbags and stone lifting.

As for volume do like 8-10 sets per muscle group per week divided across your 2 upper and 2 lower sessions. So an example would be like upper 1 is 3x dips, 3x inverted rows, 3x pushups and upper 2 is 3x pullups, 3x pushups, 3x inverted rows. so upper 1 is pressing focused with light pulling, upper 2 is pulling focused with light pressing. you can through in some arm isolation with dumbells or rings easily either on the upper or lower days or just on the "off" days. i think skipping arm isolation is dumb but the physique youre after doesnt require it, its just if you want more arms. I would follow a similar pattern for lower days where 1 is quad focused, the other is posterior chain focused. you could also do 1 lower session a week if you dont care about legs.

edit: i wanted to add for legs plyometric movements will get decent results and are fun. jump squats, jumping lunges, depth jumps, box jumps, jumping over hurdles. Id also add dragging a sandbag walking forwards and backwards is great for knee health and will hypertrophy your legs a bit. lots of options really. the physique you want is not gonna require maximized programming.
@cici1234 Tone and six packs are made in the kitchen just as much as the gym. Eat clean, don’t drink, and, genetics aside, you will see whatever work you’re putting in at the gym on your body.
@cici1234 Heres a routine to get this physique:

500 cal deficit per day until you are this lean

2 push ups a day.

Be careful not to so much as think about a third push up or you will end up bigger than this lol.
@christabella He's joking. He's basically saying this physique has little to no muscle, so all it would take is almost not eating and very very little exercise. I was skinny like this and cut when I was like 14 and hardly did anything but skateboard to be that way.
@cici1234 To be honest, that look is just genetic, if you don't have a narrow frame with small joints then you can't look like that. Those guys don't work out. Just very skinny
@cici1234 Those builds are usually hilarious. Bro fit af with no muscle definition. do hella cardio (a sport would be great) and starve yourself abit and avoid weights or muscle building exercise. Just pure situps and running
@cici1234 rock climbing will give you 70% of this just by doing it as a hobby 2-3 times a week, and it's fun as hell. It won't do shit for your chest, so throw in some strength based workouts around that.

As some have mentioned, do not get too attached to an image of someone else as a goal. Get physically fit in a way you enjoy and can progress in. (e.g. You find you enjoy callisthenics workouts, and you like the idea of working towards doing a Front Lever one day, working up the progressions as milestone goals) When you have found a fitness goal you enjoy, you will see changes reflected in your body. NOW you can adjust: "Oh, I would love to have more chest definition, I will add dips to my routine! I'll find my max, and work towards increasing it with these progressions..."

Same goes with Diet. Don't stress about making fine tuned changes until you settle into a broader pattern that is working for you.
@cici1234 To look like an athlete you train, eat, and sleep like one. The pics you posted those are skinny/tone guys with good down lighting. Easily obtainable within a year. 140-150 lbs lean should get you to that objective.