How do I get a physique like this?

@cici1234 Parallel bar, straight bar training are very effective tools to get a much better physique like this, if you want balanced muscle mass, a toned look and a body that will display power and speed go for calisthenics and swimming, that’s the combo i use and at 39 I’m ripped with no effort on dieting (your diet should be high in calories but relative to your activity level) , I’m 6 feet and weigh 185 lbs.
@cici1234 Go on a clean bulk drink magnesium and Zinc and just hit the weights and up your walking steps been doing this for a year and I’m up 20lbs of muscle
@cici1234 The body on the pictures show a male that seems to have an incredible fast metabolism. You are definitely low in weight, especially if you have a little fat. I’d recommend you stay on that 2k calories a day and focus those calories more in protein. Try to get at least 150-170g of protein a day. I also recommend you workout separate groups of muscles instead of doing full body workouts, for example ( Monday: tris/bis Tuesday/Back/ Wednesday: chest/ Thursday: legs and abs/ Fridays: shoulders) Focus on your form rather than the weight itself. Also I wouldn’t go over 2000 calories if you want to stay that lean.
@cici1234 This is the physique of a climber, 100% Doesn't necessarily mean that climbing will make you look like this though, more that people who are genetically predisposed to look like this tend to be good climbers. What climbing does do is force you to prioritise being very lean while also being strong in the upper body.
@jestebanzgarcia personally I just enjoy the thinner aesthetic and would prefer that for myself. I respect anyone who wants to get bigger, that’s just not something I’m interested in!

plus, with a weird relationship with body shit, something slightly easier to attain/slightly more realistic is probably better for me.
@cici1234 See point 12 about the tyler durden look. You just need to work out ~3 times a week at 85% consistency on a good, progressive overload focused, strength based program (like the RR in this subs wiki or an r/Fitness wiki program), for ~6 months.
@cici1234 My ab definition didn't start really showing till I started doing isometric body weight exercises. I have a daily core routine that has been a game changer. it's only 10 minutes (but it's not simple). I'll thread the exercise.
10 Minute Core Burn (all moves in 30 second intervals)

2 Rounds
  • Plank
  • Pike Plank
  • Sudo Planche Pushups
  • Left Copenhagen Plank
  • Right Copenhagen Plank
  • Spiderman Plank
  • Up/Down Plank
  • Dragon Flag
  • Left Copenhagen Plank
  • Right Copenhagen Plank
What's great about isometrics like this is that they build a ton of stability in your core and teaches your body to maintain a type of "core brace" all the time. There's enough additional movement and focus on other related (yet under worked) muscle groups that you're really building a ton of strength in a few areas of your body at the same time.