How do you eat enough protein without feeling disgustingly full be the end of the day?


New member
I’m currently working on getting 80-90g protein per day, within 1300-1600 ish calories. I’m 5’3, currently 142.2lbs, and normally extremely sedentary. I’m working on running 3-5 days per week (can currently go a mile at 4.5mph), and light strength for arms, back, and legs with 10lb dumbbells (3 sets of 10 sort of routine). Plus a 1.4-2 mile somewhat brisk walk with the dogs right before dinner. Also putting away a little more water than usual.

By the end of each day I am so full I feel like I might explode, and it’s a struggle to finish dinner. I even tried splitting my dinner meal into two separate meals, but still struggled to get it all down for the last meal of the day. I didn’t expect extra protein to be so insanely filling, especially with going from totally sedentary to exercising daily. I actually expected to feel hungrier from all the exercise.

What really blows my mind is that I can put away 2,000 calories of fast food with anywhere from 25-45g protein in one day no problem, but 1650kcal or less with 80-90g protein is almost impossible. Lol

What tips and tricks should I follow to help make this easier? Have less carbs, like making one meal a high protein salad each day? Maybe have more protein in the morning instead of at night? My breakfast is usually around 20-25g protein, so I eat more food volume in the second half of the day.
@amalthea333 Shakes can vary greatly. Vega shakes make me full and often sick to my stomach. PlantFusion is much higher % protein and included digestive enzymes to help me quickly and easily digest. It also doesn’t have fiber so it’s less filling.

I’d suggest playing around with protein powders until you get one you can down. 21g protein per shake is huge to help you with your goals.