How do you eat enough protein without feeling disgustingly full be the end of the day?


New member
I’m currently working on getting 80-90g protein per day, within 1300-1600 ish calories. I’m 5’3, currently 142.2lbs, and normally extremely sedentary. I’m working on running 3-5 days per week (can currently go a mile at 4.5mph), and light strength for arms, back, and legs with 10lb dumbbells (3 sets of 10 sort of routine). Plus a 1.4-2 mile somewhat brisk walk with the dogs right before dinner. Also putting away a little more water than usual.

By the end of each day I am so full I feel like I might explode, and it’s a struggle to finish dinner. I even tried splitting my dinner meal into two separate meals, but still struggled to get it all down for the last meal of the day. I didn’t expect extra protein to be so insanely filling, especially with going from totally sedentary to exercising daily. I actually expected to feel hungrier from all the exercise.

What really blows my mind is that I can put away 2,000 calories of fast food with anywhere from 25-45g protein in one day no problem, but 1650kcal or less with 80-90g protein is almost impossible. Lol

What tips and tricks should I follow to help make this easier? Have less carbs, like making one meal a high protein salad each day? Maybe have more protein in the morning instead of at night? My breakfast is usually around 20-25g protein, so I eat more food volume in the second half of the day.
@amalthea333 Shakes can vary greatly. Vega shakes make me full and often sick to my stomach. PlantFusion is much higher % protein and included digestive enzymes to help me quickly and easily digest. It also doesn’t have fiber so it’s less filling.

I’d suggest playing around with protein powders until you get one you can down. 21g protein per shake is huge to help you with your goals.
@whothat Vega makes me sick to my stomach too. I used to for ages as it’s what my trainer recommended. I’m using Sun Warrior now which has been awesome for my stomach. I’m going to try PlantFusion next. I’ve read good things.
@whothat Some brands have "clear protein" now which is meant to be more like flavoured water than a shake, I have the MyProtein vegan one and could easily drink liters of it because it really is just like a light juice drink.
@amalthea333 Are you trying to gain muscle?? The 150g figure is quite a stretch. Like others have said, listen to your body. I would also encourage you to develop an awareness of what feels good in your body and what doesn’t. You’re eating a lot of processed protein sources (the sausages, beyond/impossible meat) which is probably contributing to the indigestion - that stuff doesn’t really sit well with my stomach tbh. Try more Whole Foods like beans/lentils and see if that helps.
@anonymous8 Yeah. I have autoimmune, and other issues that can keep me in bed a lot, but I’m at a point where I’m trying to gain some muscle back. I will probably go down to 60g daily protein as suggested by another commenter. I think that’s much more achievable for me.
@amalthea333 Are you able to eat gluten? If so, vital wheat gluten has around 75g protein per 100g. Add some water & spices and you’ve got seitan. I’ve found it works in most dishes that tofu works in and massively bumps up my protein intake for the day.
@amalthea333 Why don't you do your walk after dinner? It will help with digestion. It takes time for your gut to adjust to changes in diet so I would try to make the change gradually over a few months.
@lisa66uk Because there are lots of coyotes and wild horses in my area, and no streetlights. I walk my dogs at sunset so it’s not too hot out, and there’s still some light so we don’t get surprised by any animals hanging out on our route. I know that sounds silly, but we’ve run into the horses so many times. They just pop out from between houses, or random areas of empty desert. It’s a ridiculous adventure. And the coyotes have been known to run off with little dogs. I’m just not comfy with walking later than that.
@christisrisen12 Nevada be like that. They’re huge and cool looking. From a safe distance. Haha Sometimes they get in fights in my front yard too. 🤦🏼‍♀️ As long as people don’t feed them, they’re mostly harmless. Though the leader of any pack of them will defend the pack if they feel threatened. And they are extra wary of people and other creatures when they have a baby horse around. The baby horses are adorable though. Always napping in the grass at my place.
@amalthea333 I personally think the protein thing is overstated. Especially if you're a beginner... Just focus on whole foods and getting all the nutrients and calories you need, don't make yourself sick with crazy amounts of protein