How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

@allthingsarebecomenew This may not be helpful since it sounds like you are solo working out, but I find I put way more effort into a teacher-led fitness class. For me, I think it's because I get to save all my mental energy for just doing the thing, with no decisions on what to do, when to do it, how many reps, is the next machine I need free? am I doing it right? The teacher says jump I jump as best I can. There's also finite time to do the thing the teacher is asking of you so you can't just scroll on your phone or get distracted.
@allthingsarebecomenew Just remember that consistency is more important. Better to give 75% and keep going week in week out with a burst here and there than get hung up on going too hard and flame out. This is one area in which mediocrity will serve you excellently if you watch your food intake.
@rossylisy 100% this. The motivation to go hard will wax and wane, just be consistent. I was going through a low motivation period and just focused on getting my workouts done. Now I am on the upswing and its so much easier to go hard. Listen to your body and be consistent.
@allthingsarebecomenew I look around at all the annoying men and that inherently gets me psyched to pick up heavy shit. Only half joking. To be fair, I’ve been lifting off and on for 20yrs and I love it, so once I’m dressed and at the gym, I don’t really have to pump myself up to go hard, I can’t fucking wait to go hard.
@angel33babygirl I have a shirt that says “stronger thighs” in the style of the Stranger Things logo, which of course I wear on leg days, lol. (It’s from Dr.Susie.Squats on instagram, btw.)
@allthingsarebecomenew All Switzler has a interesting ted talk about this, (link:

Preperation helped me a lot to be consistent, i packed my sportsgear beforehand and also had a seperate alarm for gymdays that reminded me to drive to the gym. having a gymbudy who has similar goals also helps, great if you can find one!!
@allthingsarebecomenew Making sure I've eaten enough that day. I always find it harder to put in real work if I'm even slightly hungry. But if I ate some good protein and carbs 1-3 hrs prior, I'm gonna lift the shit out of those weights.
@rosie99 Yes! So, so important. If I’ve eaten light, I’ll have a bad workout. Unmotivated, no energy. I always do saltwater or electrolytes before the gym, too, in addition to carbs. Keeps from getting that weak/shaky feeling.

Other than that, a good playlist and the need for bigger muscles gets me going lol