How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

@allthingsarebecomenew I used to use music but for some reason I enjoy listening to running or lifting related podcasts now. Maybe because I don't have too many people to discuss my hobbies with IRL?

Ultimately for me, my hardest lifts (by design) are Saturday and Sunday morning. Therefore my secret weapon is caffeinated coffee.
@allthingsarebecomenew This is part of why I prefer to do programs that have a coach like a video workout or podcast. The good ones usually know when people are likely to be struggling and they hit you with motivational talk and pump-up shouts, haha

Shaun T is really good at that kind of stuff, it's part of why I miss my beachbody subscription (though I do NOT miss that price tag!)
@allthingsarebecomenew I listen to Eminem to make me work harder when I know I have the energy. I’m in the same boat as you where I’m kind of new to having a fitness habit and the only way I can maintain it longterm personally is if I don’t overcommit. So I try to push hard just once a week. If it’s that point in my cycle or just an off day where I don’t have as much energy, I put in like 65% of my max effort (which can still be rough on those days!), and I feel genuinely alright with that. That leniency with myself makes me so much more likely to push hard when I can because I don’t want to waste a high energy day!
@allthingsarebecomenew I have a truly obnoxious playlist. And preworkout. But if I'm staring down the barrel of a final set to failure that I really don't want to do, I put on whatever song is currently working for my brain and use it as fuel to get through it. Knowing the good endorphins are on the other side of hard HARD work helps too
@mini999 I'm always finding new ones. My playlist is metal, electronic dance, ultra random remixes (I.e. numa numa and the pirates of the Caribbean theme), and just anything that catches my attention. I can't explain it, but it works for me
@allthingsarebecomenew I have a strictly phonk playlist that I use when lifting because the music hypes me up better, definitely having a good hype playlist is a game changer. I also track my highest weights/reps from the week before and if I can’t go up in weight I try to hit just one more rep that week. For instance, if I bench 5 reps at a certain weight one week, next week I’ll try for 6 and if 6 feels doable in the moment I will attempt 7 or 8. Understanding sometimes that hitting failure is actually a good thing when weight lifting makes me more enthusiastic to just try. If I fail, it’s not the end of the world.

Hopefully this helped
@allthingsarebecomenew I tell myself that even a half-assed workout is better than no workout at all. Especially when people are in the beginning and trying to create habits, the focus should just be on doing the workout, plain and simple. Once the habit is built, then you can finetune how much effort you're putting it. As others have said, your program should be helping at that point.
@allthingsarebecomenew This is what I came here to say as well - consistently doing what you consider a "half-assed" workout is better than nothing. Don't get in your head about how hard you're pushing to the point that you feel like it's not worth going. Been there, done that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with taking a break if you're exhausted, but if the energy you have is just going to get you to the gym, do half your sets with a lower weight, great. It's something. If you're still building the habit, celebrate making it to the gym, and you can focus more on intensity when you feel like consistency isn't a struggle.

That being said, I know that I personally struggle more with consistency when I don't have a specific goal. Even if every one of my workouts isn't working towards that specific goal, it helps me show up better and push harder than if I'm just doing it for the sake of consistency.

Also, preworkout lol. Gotta work hard to get those tingles out.
@allthingsarebecomenew I have specific goals for the weight I want to lift on deadlifts and bench press that has been motivating me! I’m also really motivated to get a pull up so that has been pushing me on my back exercises. I think having concrete goals really helps.
@allthingsarebecomenew I watch Fox News. Legitimately when I’m angry, my workout goes way better! I watch/read something for like 10 minutes that pisses me off, be it Fox News or a coworker who was rude, and it gets me going!!
@notw10 Yes! This was my advice as well. Get angry. Definitely helps me, but then I pay the next day. I can barely walk my thighs are so sore lol