How do you respond (and deal with it internally) when someone asks you if you are “still lifting”?


New member
I get it, we’re natties. Not being obviously muscular in normal clothes is our cross to bear. But, dangit, it’s happened twice this week and it sucks. I’m 2 years in and am still getting these comments. I mean, I’m relatively happy with my progress but still. Ugggg!

Edit: Thanks for the responses, folks! To summarize your responses:
  1. Stop being quite so sensitive and worrying about others' opinions.
  2. Keep on doing what I'm doing, realizing building muscle takes many years of discipline (2 years isn't actually that much in the broad scope of things).
  3. Realize most of the population doesn't have a clue what a muscular body looks like due to unrealistic body standards.
  4. Many comments like this are perfectly harmless and are actually the opposite - a way for folks to engage in a topic of conversation they know I'm interested in.
@danielkibby Almost guaranteed they are just making conversation.

For good reason a lot of people have reservations about commenting on someone else's body. So "I see you are still lifting" is iffy.
For good reason a lot of people have reservations about commenting on someone else's body.

This is the same when a woman is in the early period of being pregnant. It's when there's a little bit of weight that it could be pregnancy or she might just have put on a few winter pounds, and you don't know whether to say anything.
@danielkibby May just be a way for them to start a conversation about something they know youre interested in.
Dont read too much into things and stop relying on others for validation.
Put on aome epic ass music and flex in the mirror like the absolute unit you know you are