How to approach a gym crush

@tek454btu Or you haven’t tried enough times, or you are too sensible to rejection. I have a couple of friends that some may call in their past…”womanizers”. And boy, was there a moment in which they were not saying a thing to any pretty woman on the street?

From a car or walking, they would just say compliments as easy as breathing (always something new). And even if they were not interested in continuing, all smiled and blushed in a positive way. You could see the modalackars with a different woman each week, on vacations, each day, and if in the mood, many a day.

How those kind of pips feel? Chill, happy, and most importantly confident. Oh, and of course not taking shit personally (if rejection).
They just try, if it works, cool, if not, also cool. There’s billions of pips in the world, of course there’s people that would like you for who you are, just be you.

And in our case, sometimes it is easier, go to a vegan page or meeting, tss, as simple as that.
@wrestlos I see, I had that when I was younger, and I had it for years.

What helped me: being alone a lot, getting comfortable in my own skin, meditating, skateboarding…SURFING, hehe; extreme example of a surfing quote from a surfing docu’: “a man that surfs big waves is not afraid of any person”. Makes sense, after an 8meter wave surfed, any person looks so small and weak in comparison (the movie guys were also fighters lol).

Growing my hair after school was a reality change for sure (it’s forbidden in most schools for boys to have long hair in my country). I was being myself, as always, but people’s perception of me changed (so many imagining different versions of me 😂). Then years later also letting my beard grow (altho always trying).

For me those things gave me my confidence, being me, letting myself, express myself, not giving a fuck what others think of me. Making it in logic bro, doing the math of the amount of people on earth, and doing (searching) for statistics….about your tastes, then that in your country, area (if you like the area, etc.).

I have more to say if you are interested, but basically:

1) Someone likes you for who you are? Fuck yes.

2) Someone doesn’t like you for who you are? The fuck would I care about that?

Perhaps it just takes time and practice bro, but a good self-esteem, Self Love and confidence are key. For sure you can find a vegan group in your area and practice (?).

Believe me bro, I was raised to be polite and with good manners, I say: hi, hello, how are you?, good morning, good evening, etc, etc, etc, and those kind of things to everyone that looks my way. Even of course more if neighbors or in a gym, beach, etc. Someone by doing that every one ends up talking to me, and that’s my unintentional way of how I make friends all the time.
@ashley101 You are a dangerous muffin indeed, you hurt people online with your words ( s/ ).

Lol, I do believe, if pips were talking in person, the tones many times are as friendly as they come, short texts and perception of pips change everything lol.
@ashley101 So…learning her gym schedule, buying the same type of shoes as a talking point, parking next to her car so you “accidentally” walk with her back to your cars is not a good idea?

Edit: I forgot this /s (for those unaware of sarcasm)
@wrestlos Ask if she is vegan, if she says yes, you have a topic. If she says no, and not in a good way, why bother? I don’t get vegans that want to be with non vegans, sounds disgustingly disgusting.