How to ignore your scale: 130lbs to 130lbs in just a year and a half!

@john1277 Great transformation and awesome deadlift!

We have similar stats and stories. I also started lifting because I couldn't keep up my six day a week cardio intense routine because of shin splints (and I hated it). Lifting was such a fun change. Although I went from 115-135lb so none of my jeans fit me anymore. This is annoying, but my butt looks amazing in leggings now!
@john1277 This is awesome, good job! I've been struggling with the idea of losing weight vs toning up. I'm slowly getting better at ignoring the number on the scale, but I don't feel very different. I'm not going hard out though. Keep at it!
@john1277 I love the transformation. Congrats on your progress. I am 3 weeks in to the gym and am loving how quickly my body is responding! I am currently 117 or so, but with absolute no muscle tone and pretty squishy :p.

Your progress has really inspired me, and good luck! You should be proud!
@john1277 Amazing! Are stats are fairly similar, I've been cutting for the last 8-9 months and lost 22 lbs and recently I've gained back a few pounds... And it's torture to look at the scale and each time I try to convince myself that it's muscle.. It's muscle
My question is, from the beginning of your diet you ate 2100 calories?
@milegra Actually, not completely. I've been eating anywhere from 1900-2100. I just get too dang hungry to eat less! Every time I tried to cut back, I always felt exhausted and my lifts suffered. I started out at 1900 and slowly added calories once I was truly convinced I wasn't putting on excess weight. I've found that I have the perfect amount of energy at 2100ish and my weight has remained completely stable. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of times that I think that's a ridiculous amount of calories...and I actually get jokes from others who think I eat like a grown man. :)