How to keep motivated to workout daily when stuck in the 9-5 corporate cycle?

@abnerpublishing There's a lot of really hostile comments 😅 (but a lot of really helpful ones too!). Motivation and discipline are so tough to come by, so I get it. I work in Big Tech, 8-5, but the constant meetings, email, and project rushes feel beyond mentally draining. I also have a chronic illness where fatigue is one of the biggest symptoms. I haven't found an answer yet, but I just wanted to let you know that the corporate grind is tough, and adding all the chores, cooking, and housekeeping to it is even more exhausting. Sending good vibes OP, I hope you find balance!
@abnerpublishing It's not that hard? Workout in the mornings. Or whenever. Unless your commute is ungodly long you have plenty of time

I work like 8 to 4, train after work, dinner and like an hour or two to relax.
@olirain Ungodly commute checking in, still trying to find the time to workout, it’s rough. 1.5-2 hours each way, dad to 3 kids under 3… 8-9 hours workday…sos send help lol
@olirain Same.

I meal prep so dinner is 2 min in the microwave. I skew my hours at work a bit early to be out by 4:30, in the gym by 4:45. The latest I’ve been home, showered and sitting down for dinner was like 7:15.
@abnerpublishing Personally, I agree with you. 1-2 hours to yourself in the evening does seem like sooooo little. My spouse usually works pretty late so dinner, dog walking, and chores fall on me most evenings. 1-2 hours that includes all that stuff is really not much time at all.

I have been trying to get in the habit of waking up a little earlier for a walk or jog. Just something to get me active and make it easier for me to start getting up incrementally earlier as time goes on. I also find that once I get in the groove of working out, I get very excited and motivated about it and it makes it easier to get up early. So that’s my advice although I’m not sure how helpful it is lol
@belledandy That’s actually really helpful just to know that there are others experiencing the same issues. My 1.5 total hours of commute each day really cut into any productive personal time. I will need to work towards finding a way to reduce that
@abnerpublishing I totally understand, I have had jobs both with commutes 45 minutes and 60-65 minutes. It’s really really tough. But as others have said, it’s up to you to make the time for it. Just set a beginner goal and go get it! You got this!
@abnerpublishing I have a toddler so I workout 9-10pm. You can meal prep while you cook actual dinner, throw your laundry in before your workout and put it away after, walk the dog right after work…

Write out a schedule of how much time it actually takes you to do things including scrolling reddit, watching tv, etc. You’ll find the time.
@abnerpublishing I'm not far off ya with a 10-6, and my mornings are a rush of getting the kiddo to school by 8 and getting my ass in the gym by 830 so I can have something close to a workout most days.
If I don't go in before work, it ain't happening, so I make damn sure to go in before, most days a week.
@abnerpublishing Wake up first thing and throw on discipline equals freedom on Spotify or find any interviews of David Goggins. Always gets me motivated, or at least as the sign in my gym says, it tells me “don’t be a B$$$$” lol it works for me