I’m so tired of hearing “it’s not like they’re going to the games...”

@devonian and those people are being completely unfair not only to the competition but to EVERYONE in their gym. most cheaters are getting the "best" or one of the "better" scores in the gym and will be having other gym members looking up to them if they cant see that they are cheating. how dare they set that example! i dont give a shit what your score is, as long as you are safe, having fun and getting better. and to all the cheaters out there, its not hard to see that you are shaving reps or no repping the shit out of a workout. do better! SMH!
@devonian People laughed at me when i said "You have to keep your shoes on during The Open"

It's in the rulebook.

And what happens Friday night? We have 4 TOP athletes all take off their shoes.
@acts2416 If you'd like to further your reading:

For all Open workouts, the workout format will be released by CrossFit Inc. and communicated uniformly to all athletes online.
The workout format will include the following:
• Required movement(s)
• Start and end ranges of the movement(s)
• Required number of repetitions and/or repetition scheme
• Required equipment (NOTE: Including but not limited to standard Olympic-style barbells and plates, Concept2 rowers, 20-lb. and 14-lb.
medicine balls, pull-up bars, gymnastic rings, jump ropes, dumbbells and other equipment commonly found in a CrossFit-affiliated gym.
CrossFit Inc. will not supply or make available any equipment.)
• Required amount of weight (NOTE: All weights will be released in pounds. It is the athlete’s responsibility to use the correct poundage. If
kilogram plates are used, the athlete will need to use appropriate combinations of plates to achieve the correct poundage. Collars or clips
are not to be counted in the total weight. For the purpose of CrossFit Games competitions, 15-kg barbells will be considered to weigh 35
lb., and 20-kg barbells will be considered to weigh 45 lb.)
• Time domain or time limit
• Scoring details - Competitions may determine the winner by highest point total or lowest point total, or any method or combination of
methods CrossFit selects. Point values for finishing position will be released before the start of the workout.
• Adjustments or scaling by division, if any
• Filming and submission guidelines, if any
In all stages of CrossFit Games competition, it is the athlete’s responsibility to adhere to the workout format. This includes performing all
required movements to the described standard, counting and completing all required repetitions, using the required equipment and loads,
meeting the time requirements, and meeting all submission standards.
Modifying the workout format in any way is prohibited and will void an athlete’s score. Only CrossFit Inc. may provide official scaled versions
of workouts for athletes to perform.
Proper workout attire, including shoes, is required for all events. No attire shall interfere with a judge’s ability to determine whether the required
movement standards and expectations for range of motion are being met."

So if you'd so kindly PUT YOUR FUCKING SHOES ON.
@russg Not wearing shoes is not cheating. idgaf if you want to call me out for cheating, but i have plantar fasciitis and i've always worked out without shoes, not just for the open or 19.3.
@devonian Completely agree with this. I'm not sure why people are afraid to no rep. I'm known in my box as quite a strict judge (I do quite a lot of judging at comps) and I've found that most people are fine with being no-repped. You just need to be clear what you're looking for and communicate to them what they're doing wrong.

We have quite a strong no tolerance to "cheating" at our box which helps.
@devonian I’ve been no repped a few times in the open. And the judge explained the full range of motion cuz he knew how new I was. And then I learned and adapted, no repped again, but you continue to learn.
No point to being competitive or trying to better yourself if you say you don’t care about rules just because you aren’t on a big screen lmao.

When I first started doing class WOD’s I thought I could easily skim a few reps if I’m tired but in the end you’re truly just cheating yourself. It’s all on you at the end.
@heyiamhis Lol why are you assuming I’m “pissed off” by sharing my opinion on something i find annoying?

Edit: also, this sentence makes no sense...

“I just don't let shit that I can't control not piss me off.”

So are you pissed off or not?!? Lol
@devonian Damn, sounds like some projection to me. At my box, we no rep all the time. I gave you the benefit of the doubt on your last post, but this one is just ridiculous. Who the fuck made you the Crossfit Open police? If it’s happening in your gym, then address it with your gym. People aren’t “offended” by your post because it applies to them or it’s true. They’re just calling bullshit on your busybody attitude and manufactured outrage.
@datomiv I see it happening in gyms across my country simply because I follow them on social media, see their stories, videos etc. and the scores their athletes post on the leaderboard. I know that at local gyms around me couples get to judge each other or kids from gym members or just bffs bro repping like crazy. You know the people and what they're capable of and their scores don't reflect it which makes the open a joke. It is frustrating when people get away with bad reps, crappy standards, bro reps and rules aren't enforced. Some gyms might be better than others but there are enough out there who post whatever they want. In my former affiliated box, I know for a fact the gym owner didn't double check scores as I was accidentally given the whole sheet not just the slip and my score got approved anyways, I could've entered anything or at least given myself a few more reps. It's those little things and when you know it happens in a box in your town, you know it's happening everywhere which makes the Open useless at this stage and definitely not a fair competition.