I’m the crying girl

@whitehorse I agree with the others. Nobody gives a shit about your crying or your troubles. Fuck ‘em! You do you. You get out there and conquer those exercises!! Sure it hurts! Sure it’s hard! Sure you fail and look stupid! So what??? DON’T QUIT!!!!! You will prevail!!! It’s guaranteed! That’s the beauty of fitness training! Anyone and everyone who can do the exercises will succeed!!! When you finally do, you will walk ten feet tall and feel like a goddess!!! You go girl!!!!!
@whitehorse I just generally cry easily, always have, so I'm not really surprised I've cried multiple times at CrossFit. Not because a workout was physically hard or I hurt myself. More due to frustration with not being able to do a certain movement. Although one time I think I cried during the warmup because it was 6am and I was hormonal and I just got out of breath and overwhelmed. Another time because it was 6am and I had to do maths in my head and I just couldn't. I don't think I'll ever be able to stop, but I'm definitely getting more confident and feeling more comfortable with doing difficult things.
@whitehorse Oh girl i am crying and having autistic meltdown don’t worry and let people support you. It’s not embarrassing. If what you mean by introvert is social anxiety reach help from a specialist. Best money investment imo.
@whitehorse I've been in crossfit for a little over ten years. I've been coaching at my gym now for just over 2 years and competed in NZ last year... I cried like my 4 year old son a month out from heading to NZ when I 'gently pulled' my calf while skipping in front of what felt like everyone. I promise you, we've all been there and 99% of the time no one knows because they're too busy trying to survive themselves. You've got this!
@whitehorse I also cried when I failed a box jump once. It wasn't because of the pain but because everyone looked and gasped and then the trainer also looked me straight in the face to ask repeatedly if I was okay. The sheer humiliation... I haven't done another box jump since then, only steps :D Also when I was struggling to get the hang of snatch and seeing all the women parade around with the big plates while I still struggled with 20 kgs I had a small cry right there out of frustration :D

BUT only I remember. My best friend also goes to this box and he was right there and even he doesn't remember. The people don't care because crying and failing is normal, being frustrated sometimes is normal, all a part of challenging yourself. Keep it up fellow crying girl :)
@whitehorse Yes, I wear soccer/football shin guards for high box jumps and rope climbing.
Had a wound from climbing that got infected, so now I use pre caution.

And keep up the good work. Its your CF party, so you cry if you want to!
@whitehorse It’s ok to cry! It’s also ok to finish last in class - hopefully your classmates were cheering you on. That’s what’s so great about the CrossFit community 🙂. Don’t be embarrassed- just show up and keep working hard. If you cry, so what? YOU DO YOU! I’m constantly yelling FUUUU in the middle of a tough workout (though I never seem to finish the word for some reason… it just comes out!)

When I started I wore knee sleeves on my shins on the hard boxes. I don’t do this anymore but if it gives you confidence then go for it!

The important thing to remember is no one is judging you. The only person you are competing with is yourself. You do you!!! If that means crying sometimes don’t worry about it. We are all human.

Keep up the great work! 💪🏼🤜🏼💥🤛🏼
@whitehorse CrossFit is literally the only sport where your biggest competition will finish their workout and then come over to cheer you on to finish!! No one cares that you exert so much of yourself that you cry. No one cares whether you’re first to finish or last. All anyone cares about is that you show up and give it everything you’ve got and keep on showing up consistently. People are in fact watching you, but not for the reason that introvert in you thinks. People are watching you cheering you on, watching you crush your goals, watching you set new ones, watching you prove to yourself that you’ve got so much more heart than you ever gave yourself credit for.
I started doing CrossFit when I was 350lbs. I fell doing box jumps and I thought everyone was going to laugh and I was going to be that “fat guy” embarrassing himself in a gym fail video on YouTube. No video was ever taken, no one ever laughed. The only person to say anything was my coach, who walked over calmly and said “it’s okay, it happens… now get back up and keep going”

Just keep showing up and giving it all you’ve got. You got this!!
@whitehorse Im not gonna lie when i have heavy session can someone get shot near me and i dont pay attention to it 😂😂

I know is extreme but im really out when im at the gym and cry is never bad or something like that , its normal
@whitehorse I cry at everything. I know it’s cringe and people hate it at the time but it is what it is and nobody remembers it. People remember dickheads though. So just don’t be one of them and you’ll be fine!
@whitehorse I’ve nearly cried and on several occasions come really close to stopping mid workout and giving up. Scale the workouts to suit u. Set targets with the scaling. Coming last is not an issue, in fact i came last the other day and had to get the 10 burpees over bar in just over 30 secs to get done. It was so tough but my entire class and coach were cheering me on to get it done. Maybe speak to the coach about it and how to feel better about it too
@whitehorse I can probably count on one hand the number of times I’ve cried in the last 20 years and I’m the type to get second hand embarrassed for other people. That said if I saw someone crying during a workout (if I even noticed) my thought would be more like “shit, they’re really going for it” not “what a baby”. Also in general I believe in exposure therapy, avoiding uncomfortable things will not make you stronger. I’m a math guy, I got a degree in math because I hate writing papers and public speaking. My current job has me writing papers and public speaking, want to guess what I’m a whole lot better at doing now?

Edit: that said I think therapy on top of CrossFit might be the right call.
@whitehorse I always put my knee sleeves on my shins! Don't think you are the only one that has ever ate shit on a box jump! Also you will get better and you will find strengths and weaknesses. Like you said it's cheaper than therapy! And therapy sucks. I am a 45 year old man and can't say that I cry a lot but the harder we push and learn we get better at some and on some we still can't make our body do the deed! Keep going! Keep learning! STAY STANDING!
@whitehorse I personally trained “the crying girl”, and now that I’m too busy to commit to training someone we still workout together 🤷🏻‍♀️ also, reallllllly no one is thinking anything about you finishing last. When I was going to classes more, if there was someone new who was moving slower and I finished earlier, I’d drop to a lighter weight and start doing reps at about the same pace as them or keep going at just a slow, steady pace until they finished. If being last bothers you that much (it’s ok if it does) you could ask one of the faster athletes if they wouldn’t mind finishing with you.

I’ve also been cried two different years doing the Open, when I was going to be by myself during Friday night lights doing a new movement that scared me (wall walk, amirite?) and one year when I attempted a overhead squat weight I could only do one rep at a time of and couldn’t snatch. With everyone watching and cheering I had to clean the bar, push press it to my back so I could adjust my grip, pop it over head, STRUGGLE through one squat, drop the bar and start all over. Thankfully they stopped charring after the first 4 or 5 and I could just focus on doing that stupid lift over and over 😅
@whitehorse It is also ok to not build weight so fast, no up box height so fast. Stay with the things that build your confidence. If you have scaled too light, work faster. You will still get a great workout and keep the confidence high!
@whitehorse My coach hates my shin guards ("please don't wear those") but he can pry them off my cold dead shins. I shredded the bejesus out of my shins when I missed a jump and I need the extra security.

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