I’m the crying girl

@whitehorse I crashed on my first box jump tonight. My ego was bruised as bad as my shins. My friend and coach saw and checked on me, no one else said anything. We got this.
@whitehorse First off, great work on the deadlifts and box jumps period it doesn’t matter if you didn’t land quite right, you tried!

Secondly, I face planted today on a timed team run of suicides and yeah it was very embarrassing but the only person that even noticed was my husband because he he said he was looking at my butt when I fell 😂

You got this!
@whitehorse It's ok to cry!

Sometimes exertion does that, it's not always about mental state. That helps me not get mad at myself when it happens.

And you better believe, the last time I cried at the gym it was during thrusters.
@whitehorse No one minds that you cry, most of them probably relate to crushing when doing box jumps(or maybe I’m the only one falling every time)

I just moved to a new box, slipped doing toes to bar and went flying, I just moaned on the ground for a few mins before getting up and was incredibly embarrassed. Everyone experienced difficulties when starting out CrossFit, wether it’s injury, embarrassment or crying, just keep going! I promise it will get better if you just stick to it! I’m sure no one minds that you sometimes cry

Just keep going, you can do it💪
@whitehorse I have cried outside the gym, in the middle of workouts, before the class started and ended up leaving, I've cried mid conversation....if you name it, I've done it as far as crying goes at the gym.

Most people don't notice. I cried during a very DU heavy metcon last week (I'm still getting very small sets, and occasionally the rope would hit my leg where a fresh tattoo is healing). It happens..... for me, I might as well go on and cry it out. If I don't I'll just stay on the verge of tears.

Come join the Crossfit Crybaby club with me:)
@whitehorse First and foremost, getting the shin shred out of the way early is a badge of honor.

Secondly, you're not the only cryer. My wife uses Crossfit as a form of therapy and there are times where she'll have something big on her mind and halfway through the workout, she'll be processing and tears just start rolling. No one ever cares beyond maybe one of the other women asking if she's ok later.
@whitehorse I think we all have those days. I suck at running and when my gym programs sprints, then an easy run, then sprints, then easy run (you get the point), I just want to run to my car and leave. I'm always last with my running and some days it really gets to me. When that happens, I have a good cry in my car or home, then I go back the next day for another workout.

Keep showing up and doing what you're doing because you're only going to improve over time. And if you have to cry in the car on the way home, then so be it. Just please do not give up!!!!
@whitehorse That was totally me when I started. I never worked out before starting CrossFit and I remember driving home from my first foundations class just crying because we spent the whole hour trying to get me to deadlift a PVC properly and I couldn’t do it. I wanted to give up and quit so much in my first year. I’m coming up on 3 years and I’m so happy I stuck with it. It’s ok to cry. It will get better.
@whitehorse My wife is an introvert. She has learned that you can cry as you breathe as long as you move forward while you do it.

There is nothing wrong with crying. Realize that almost no one cares you are lagging behind. The few that care either want to help you or should be ignored.

Find a friend at your pace and challenge each other. Use each other for motivation
@whitehorse Fellow crier, you’re showing up. And doing the work. Literally all anyone cares about. Honestly, crying and finishing the workout is goddamn hardcore.

If you want to experience judgement or an actual scene for comparative purposes, drop an empty barbell.

Also, there’s good evidence that crying weekly is an excellent systemic emotional regulator.
@whitehorse Whenever the workout includes running outside or the echo bike, tears flow down my face because my eyes are very sensitive to the wind, if you count that crying 😅🥹
@whitehorse Hey new on CrossFit here to
Not a cryer could be a puker don’t know what’s worse.
If you cry it means your in a safe space.
I have the idee I’m in a safe place at my gym
I love the way people keep cheering me up when I’m the last one over the finish
You mater to don’t be to hard on yourself
@whitehorse I cry whenever there’s heavy squat cleans in a metcon.

It’s difficult and your heart rate is racing and if you’re in a bad headspace it happens.

Coach used to be all empathetic and now we laugh about it.

It’s not a big deal and I realized the more self conscious I was about it the more it could happen and over time my mental toughness improved as well.

It’s a process and you’re doing it
@whitehorse For those box jumps I recommend scaling back to a step up in those later rounds of workouts and save your shins. I’m a 300 lb dude in his 40s. CrossFit is recreational fun for me and I often finish workouts last. With CrossFit just showing up you are already a winner.

My philosophy is who cares if I finish slower. It is simple. Is my heart rate way too high right now. check. Am I completely out of breath and almost dead. Check. Make a sweat angel on the mat. Check. Get up and do it again tomorrow.
@whitehorse I’m also a CrossFit crying girl. Some people grunt or make other noises and others quit. I cry because grunting isn’t an option and neither is quitting ; ) crying is a release