I’m the crying girl

@whitehorse Girl, I feel this! Fellow introvert here who absolutely hates attention. I have been crossfitting for over 10 years and had a workout two weeks ago that absolutely destroyed me. I cried in my car and the whole way home. Honestly, some days are like that and we’ve all been there! Being the last to finish and everyone watching never gets any easier but find comfort in the fact that it happens everyone. Some workouts you’ll be on the other side cheering for someone else knowing exactly what they’re going through.

Also - talk strategy with the coach next time you have a workout with a lot of movements you’re not strong at. Modify from the get-go and create a plan ahead of time for if you need to modify further. Ask about the ideal time for a round/etc. and go a step further and ask where they recommend testing if you need to (my gym does this every class without fail but not all places do).

As for any kind of box jumps - I simply don’t do them. The risk vs reward isn’t there for me as a clutz with a reconstructed ankle.
@whitehorse We had a workout years ago where I shit you not, half the gym cried. It was just absolutely demoralizing and awful at the time. We laugh about it now. Crying is totally normal, I promise!
@whitehorse The pain is real. I joined at 300lbs, so everybody weight exercise was a beast, and Burpess brought back all sorts of high-school trauma. 😅

It gets better, and I'm only 2 months in. Plus, this community is ridiculously supportive. I haven't met a single judgmental crossfiter yet!
@whitehorse I have 100% cried for all reasons mentioned above. Especially for wrecking my shin on a box jump. I now use a 12" box with 2 plates stacked on top because if I fuck up on that the impact won't be as bad as doing it on the box. I haven't seen anyone wearing shin guards for box jumps, but I can't say it doesn't happen. Don't worry about finishing last. Everyone has been there at least once and no one cares where you finish. As long as you're giving it your all (base that on you, not on anyone else) that's what matters. We clap for everyone. Just look at Rebecca Fuselier's finish on "The Capitol" workout at the 2023 Games (google if you don't know what I'm referring to). She finished last by a lot and she struggled to get there, but she worked her tail off, it showed and it was like all of Madison was cheering her on. It was awesome.
@whitehorse I have my CF-L1 and coach a few classes every week. Last weekend I was really down on myself because I finished last in the workout out of about 10 other girls. As a coach I don’t want to be seen as the last one finishing, but I was also the only one to RX the weights. Everyone is at a different place in their fitness journey. Keep showing up for yourself!
@whitehorse I'm about to do today's WOD. I'm know I'm going to cry. I'll do it nonetheless, because it's a pain full of meaning and will help me heal my soul, and grow my body in the meantime. And yes, cheaper (and maybe more effective) than therapy.
@whitehorse I try to take responsibility as a coach to make sure I modify the workout in a way for newer members so that they can't "finish last". There are ways to modify the workout for them so that this doesn't happen, even if it is for their ego, self esteem, level of enjoyment of the gym. They have so many fears coming into a potentially scary environment, them leaving feeling good and accomplished is what builds the consistency they need to continue. As far as the box jumps, it happens to the best of us. All movement has risk especially when you constantly move the needle forward and it sounds like you were, only respect for that, especially if you keep coming back. A person who cries but keeps coming back is how I started, and scrappiness and stubbornness goes a long way, keep going back, you got this 🙂
@whitehorse Ive cried so much during workouts! You’re okay, I promise. That’s the best part of CrossFit, at least all CrossFit gyms I’ve been to in the last 11 years, there’s no judgement. Just keep showing up and accept that you will have bad days and bad workouts, those are all part of your journey too.
@whitehorse Also, just wear the shin sleeves if you want. It will probably help you regain confidence in your box jumps as well, so let people think whatever they want to think. I’ve definitely worn them in the past too, hell, I’ve covered nearly every body part in those things 😂 did I look stupid? Probably. Did anyone care? Definitely not.

And stay focused while doing box jumps. I always trip on the box in the last round, just because I lose focus. Take a deep breath before you jump, then go.
@whitehorse You can tell the coaches who cover your most frequented classes that you hate having people look at you - it makes you anxious and uncomfortable. I know one of my gym friends fails all her PR attempts if she thinks she’s being watched. So I make sure no one looks (kinda). I’m sure your coaches will make people socialize in the corner rather than cheer you on if that’s the best way to support you.
@whitehorse I've had to hold back tears, too,
Went for a 1rm on the clean and had a mental block and COULDNT DO IT. The girls I normally train with did 10kg heavier than me, and realistically, I should have been doing the same weight as them. Instead of doing the conditioning, I kept trying to get the rep. Nope, it wasn't happening. I was so embarrassed that I could feel tears coming.

Don't worry about crying - you'll get used to the falls, and eventually, you'll just laugh. You'll become comfortable around your gym mates that you won't care if you come last.

Don't be embarrassed about being the last to finish. Nobody cares. They're too focused on themselves. Also, someone has to be last. I'm usually one of the last to finish the workouts too.

I have something even more embarrassing than failing a box jump: falling off the rig straight on my ass while practising my kip. I was SO embarrassed, but it happens to most people at some stage. I laughed it off 🤣
@whitehorse Gym crier here. Also a coach. I make light of it. When someone else cries I make jokes that they're not taking my title of most tears shed at our box haha.
Honestly crying is pretty common. But I definitely do it more than most. I'm just an emotional human. I cry when I'm happy, sad, excited, angry doesn't seem to matter the emotion so I'm owning it otherwise I'd cry about crying 😂😂
@whitehorse I'm pretty strong and fit and I finish last sometimes.

Also wrecked my shins on a box before.

Didn't cry but wanted too lol

Recommendation, don't jump off the box. Step down. The jump down really isn't worth it from a speed perspective comparesd to potential shin damage on a missed jump. Stepping down will help you jump up in a more stable way.
@whitehorse I am new to CF and did nothing but lay on my couch and eat Doritos before so I’m REALLY new. I’ve cried multiple times. Usually when I finish something heavy cardio that I didn’t think was even possible? Some of it is hormonal but some of it is just the rush of endorphins from physical activity and doing things I never thought I could. Anytime it’s a super hard WOD and I’m last (always last basically) people will ask me if I cried this time 😂 but it’s cool! When I didn’t cry they congratulate me and say look you’re getting better! And when I do they say hell yeah you did it! But yeah it’s okay I’m the crier in my gym too :)