I’ve done 100 push-ups every day for 2023 - here’s my progress! (Feel free to join in for the year 2024)


New member

As my New Year's resolution last year, I set a goal to do 100 push-ups every day and against my better judgment, I did it!

A typical day looked like this:
10x10, or 5x20, or 25, 30, 20, 15, 10… there was no structure, just get to 100 and then do it again the next day. A horribly unoptimised workout program, but I kept at it and that’s what counts. Perhaps.

Here’s my progression for the year:

Jan 12390.1 kg / 199 lbs
Feb 14089.2 kg / 197 lbs
Mar 13589.5 kg / 197 lbs
Apr 14588.2 kg / 194 lbs
May 14288.1 kg / 194 lbs
Jun 13590.4 kg / 199 lbs
Jul 12591.2 kg / 201 lbs
Aug 14489.7 kg / 198 lbs
Sep 15289.4 kg / 197 lbs
Oct 14590 kg / 198 lbs
Nov 14292.6 kg / 204 lbs
Dec 15090.4 kg / 199 lbs
Dec 314788.9 kg / 196 lbs

Max Push-ups

As you can see, it isn’t a great workout program. Progression pretty much halted around 40-50 push-ups. My guess is I could benefit from more volume on certain days, and more rest days with lower volume. But I had fun and I don’t think I’d stick with it as well if I didn’t have such a strict routine!

What if I was sick?

I was, plenty times. When feeling ill, I did push-ups on my knees, in sets with lower reps such as 20x5. Consistency > Purity!

Muscle development?

Meh. Some increased definition perhaps, but nothing compared to what you’d see doing any “real” progressive overload training.


Never had them, knock on wood. While my push-up max of 23 wasn’t high at the start, 100 every day was never that much volume I reckon to be an issue. For others, this might not be the case.

Muscle imbalances?

I did other training to keep myself from looking like a gorilla, but feel free to write the “take it from this old gym rat” copypasta in the comment section.. ;)

All in all:

Had a lot of fun with this terrible, suboptimal “program” that was surprisingly easy to stick with. I was gonna do 10 a day for the rest of my life to keep a streak, but now I’m thinking of doing 100 a day in 2024 as well because of my newfound push-up addiction.

Wanna join in 2024?

I would love to recruit some of y’all do do push-ups every day! Doesn’t have to be 100, could be say 10 every day just to keep the “PushupStreak” going, in the same way RunStreakers run a mile or more each day.

If there’s interest I’d love to post each Monday to keep you all motivated/reminded, if mods allow it.

Happy new year!

todays workout, Jan 1 2024: 53, 17, 20, 10
@nayt70 congratulations on your journey. you could easily progress from there if you start doing decline push-ups instead of normal ones. you could get a weight vest later and do weighted push-ups but you'll also have to do some serious lower body exercises to balance your look. all the best mate!
@ozziesmom trust me, my upper body muscles are nowhere near existing enough to make me look unbalanced 😅

instead of a weighted vest I’ve found my daughters to be willing weights when I want some tougher variants!
@nayt70 oh they exist I'm telling ya, considering your daughters are probably heavier than a weighted vest. I'm on the skinny side though so after some months with decline push-ups i was being told my arms are getting bigger.
@nayt70 i did this too, like pushups every day before bed. I started with being able to do zero and plateud at 15 beause of going to faileure every time. then i went to a sport teacher and did a better program and was upto 25 in no time!
@bluebrown hey man, reduced the times i trained to 3 times a week and then i did something like this (assuming your failieure is 15) week one 3x10 pushups with 3 minutes rest. week 2 3x11 week 3 3x13 and in week 4 you go to failieure 3 times. I really saw some progress with that
@nayt70 Maybe like if you rest for 2 or 3 days after doing 100 pushups, you'd see some growth because the muscles would be able to repair and recover.

did you feel sore? I'm certain you did but like how do you still manage to continue doing pushups if you feel sore?

Anyways, good job on being consistent. I always have trouble being consistent, and I think that's what slowing down results. If you have any tips on what you do to stay motivated and consistent, I would really appreciate it. : )
@nayt70 I was about to say this wasn’t that impressive but then I saw your weight and wow don’t listen to anything I just said. Great job.
@steph23 Ha, thanks i guess. I got down to around 72 kg /160lbs when I was doing ultramarathons and man was things easier then. I do prefer being lighter, but you know, food is nice too.