I don't understand S&S strength standards

@khohanguc I agree with the logic of your questions, but as others have said - it's just a general standard that may or may not work for you. I'm a 5'5" 58kg male in my late 30s and I progressed towards and achieved Timed Simple with a 32kg last year. But that was mostly because I wanted to have a challenge to work towards - so the Simple standard made sense for me. But if your goals are different, swings and get-ups with 24kg are plenty good. Stay strong.
@jreneew8 First of all congrats for the achievement, that's hugely impressive as it's around 55% of your BW which is really upper echelon IMO.

I think that I do want a goal to achieve in kettlebells so I working slowly towards 32kg S&S is something I want to work on.

Thanks for your comment I'm happy seeing real examples of people around my weight achieving simple 🙏👍
@khohanguc I had this mindset when I started S&S. It was lockdown, I was circa 75kg bw and the get-ups with 16kg felt heavy.
But, I enjoyed the program. Instead of worrying about the simple or the sinister standards, I shut-up and got on with it to see how far I could get.
It was slow progress but now the 32kg is my working weight for swings and get ups.
If you enjoy it just crack on. If not, switch up the routine.
@khohanguc I've (M 54) been working with kettlebells for over a decade, the heaviest I own is a 24kg, and I can do a few getups with it. But I don't enjoy it at all.
I prefer to put in reps with my 16kgs and 20kg, I don't get injured or any strains and I get properly out of breath each and every day that I train.
Do I do enough? Probably not.
But I get good results from my annual medical, and climbed a few +3000ft mountains last year.
Which is what I wanted to achieve, at this pace I can see me doing exactly this when I am 64.

The question is, what do you want to achieve? Big weights, huge rep numbers, general fitness?

If you want a challenge and are comfortable with a 16kg bell Google Viking Warrior training.
Or take a 24kg and try the 10k swing challenge. S&S is just one possibility of several.
@lemonlime7 I want to unlock my maximum athletic potential. Push myself to my limit.

Thanks for the programs suggestions, I didn't know about the viking one. Just googled it it's "viking warrior conditioning" by kenneth jay is it ?
@khohanguc all those I mentioned - can benefit from kettlebells too :)))

still - what is planned "usage"? it would help you understand what and why you do, I think :)
@khohanguc I actually don't agree with the others about setting your own goals. If you want to achieve Pavel's "Simple" then try, accept progress might be slow and keep going until you get there. There are plenty of 65-70kg people who can do a get up with 32kg.
The post and replies feels like you're waiting to be told it's okay to not hit 32kg (and that is okay), but if you want to do it you can.
@khohanguc Do 50 pound sacks of feed weigh less just because I'm little? Do old people get smaller kids as they age? Do fat people get shorter miles to hike?

S&S is what it is. Other things are... wait for it.... something else. You want a relative strength standard, cool, that's also a thing. You want a seniors class? Also a thing.

That being said, obviously everybody understands this aspect of S&S. Everytime a little person crushes it they are proud of and everyone celebrates the relative strength of it. And anytime a giant tosses the beast around with his pinky we all know what's going on.
@khohanguc There’s a key problem with S&S imo. The focus on swings and heavy getups.

You would be better off with a diverse exercise regime that included other movements and safer. As you progress through SS, you’ll start wondering what’s the point of loading heavier and more heavier weights during get ups. I have concluded that it’s for reasons that don’t satisfy me(bragging rights) and thus after a year of SS, I switched to a different program. If that’s your thing then more power to you.