I finally achieved the muscle up at age 38. It’s never too late!

@graciet 38 is not late buddy. You're about to hit a prime you never knew existed. And if you play your cards right, your prime will keep going until you die.
@graciet Curious what your weekly routine is, like your focus? I do a lot of running and general cardio/good eating to try to get my weight down. Then I have the pretty traditional routine of back/bis, chest/tris. Do you do multiple back/bi days in a week and what exercises do you focus on?
@hambim336 I did the Recommended Routine on the sub sidebar for about 8 months. And then I switched to a PPL split once I started to plateau. My schedule is a bit all over the place with work and kids’ school but I always try to hit all muscle groups at least 2x/week.
Recently I started working on maximizing intensity, rather than reps. Also started working on skills a couple months ago (MU, front lever, planche, skin the cat).
@graciet Im doing pull ups on rings. Feel confortable than the bar. 3 sets of 4 reps is my máx at the moment. I'll keep working to the muscle up
@christianpilgrim Rings are awesome! Best advice I received was getting a really good support hold before you try any ring dips. You’ll probably be super shaky at first but you’ll be surprised how quickly you adapt.
Pull-ups in rings are great because you can let your hands rotate and they are easy on the elbows.
Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
@thomasik What's your starting point? A 5 year window might not give you the intensity, go for it within the year :)

I'm aiming for achieving by the end of 2021, and I'm 42. Pretty sure I can make it
@kjander798 Starting point is basically 1 good pull up but there are some other considerations, namely that I'm about to have twins and already have a toddler so committing to long workouts won't really be feasible. Most I'll be able to commit to is 10-15 minutes early in the morning. If I went all out in sure I could get it done in a year but it's just not an option at the moment!
@thomasik Grease the groove helped me immensely with pull-ups. If you can do 1 pull-up, try 1 every hour or so. Stick with that that until you can do 4 at a time, then do 2 every hour. Try to stay in the 50% of max rep range. You want to feel fresh before and after each time you do them.

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