I hate to say it…all of the pull-up advice on this sub is 100% correct


New member
You have to do negatives and dead hangs. You have to do pull ups consistently, throughout the day if possible. If you keep at it, and increase the number of negatives/length of dead hangs, you’ll make progress.

Three weeks ago I bit the bullet after reading my 30th comment on here about achieving a pull up and bought a pull up bar for my apartment.

I started doing negatives every day and boom! Today I got my first pull up. Literally out of the blue.

I’m shocked, happy, and kind of kicking myself that I didn’t listen to the advice on here sooner. Y’all are right!! I was wrong!!
@ashleye23 Unassisted pullups have helped me get to 10 full range pullups. Going 3-4x a week. That and when am shot doing assisted ones. It’s tough though because they use practically all upper and core so I am basically shot at the end of my workout. I wanna get to 20 by the end of the month.
@ashleye23 Congrats! Not gonna lie, I didn't do any kind of pull up specific training, but still found after a few months of general strength training that I could finally do pull ups. I'm realizing that tends to be more of the exception though, and I probably could've gotten there faster with specific training
@ashleye23 Haha congrats. Yup, that’s how I got mine and now I can even just do them for sets. Years of using machines and bands and all that did nothing. It wasn’t long after doing negatives that I started being able to do them. I’m sure my prior machine assisted work did help some though.
@ashleye23 Congrats! This is a timely thread for me as I just got my pull up resistance bands in the mail today. My negatives and chin ups have been going well but I think it's a mechanics issue with actually pulling up from the bottom. I'm actually kind of scared to start in the morning. 🙃