I hate to say it…all of the pull-up advice on this sub is 100% correct

@ashleye23 I managed to get sets of 4 strict pull ups without negatives or dead hangs.

I spent more time working on my back.

I did do assisted pull ups every session with resistance bands.
@afx27 Jump to the top, hold it there and slowly go down. Repeat.

Cuz if you try to do a normal one from the bottom up you'll max out somewhere on your way up and you won't get the full range of motion. Negatives guarantee you get practice in the full range of motion.
@cink Then you start with dead hangs. Hang by your hands as long as you can. Then when you're ready, increase the difficulty by engaging your shoulders while dead hanging (engage your shoulders so that your arms aren't up against your ears). Then do negatives - jump up and try to come down as slowly as possible. Just take your time and be consistent! ❤
@cink In addition to what the other comment said about a band or a chair, you can also do reclined pull ups, where you put a bar between the seats of two chairs and Lau down under it and pull yourself up like that. It's not the same exact musculature but it helps.
@cink haha, I've wondered that too. I kept hurting my elbows doing negatives. Do you have a band or a stool/chair to stand on to take some/most of your weight? Then work your way to using less and less assistance.
@ashleye23 Just dropping by to say - once you can do more pull-ups (and if you want to see those numbers keep going up!), keep including negatives! I'm really trying to work on my pull-ups at the moment and I typically do a few sets of max reps, then a few of 2/3 reps with 3 count controlled descents between each rep. I am making more progress with this approach than with any other technique I've tried in the past!
@ashleye23 Along with negatives and stuff, you can bend your knees and have a partner lift you by your knees for extra reps, just enough for you to get a few more controlled reps in, really it’s whatever makes you excited to workout, and works for you.
@ashleye23 This is awesome, congrats! I question I have for you (or anyone who could answer). I recently did the same as you, I.e. listening to the advice from people here saying to do negatives. However, I tried to do a negative and just immediately fell, I guess I just don’t have the strength to do a legitimate negative starting off :( I started doing them with bands which helped while still being challenging. Is this acceptable until I have the strength to do an unassisted negative?
@christian When I first started negatives, I would immediately drop, I couldn't hold my weight at all... I mean, I could hold onto the bar, but there wasn't any kind of controlled decline. I just stuck with it 5x5, and after a couple of weeks, I can actually control my negatives... I can even pull myself up some what now. I have no idea how long it'll take before I actually get a pull-up, but Im definitely seeing quick progress with twice a week back workouts and negatives.
@christian It puts you at risk of injury. Lower the pull-up bar / rings / etc and put your feet out in front of you. You can do pull ups in a plank position, or do negatives with your feet on the ground and your hips directly below your shoulder.