I know this ain’t impressive to damn near everyone here. But, I just did my first full pull up


New member
I’ve been on a journey to get fit for…. A year now? (13 yo male) and I’ve been bouncing back and forth, losing motivation, stopping, changing styles and all that. So I haven’t made much progress. And I just recently, today as a matter of fact, decided to make the switch to purely calisthenics and weighted calisthenics. And, with that, lemme say that pull ups have always evaded me. I’ve always wanted to be able to do them, but as a skinny fat tall kid I struggle with them. A lot. But just a few seconds ago, I grabbed my bar, arched my back, took my feet off the ground, and pulled until my chin was above the bar, and I couldn’t be happier. Sorry to anyone who decided to read this, it’s not very exciting, but I just wanted to let people know. Off to start my proper bodyweight fitness journey, later

Adding an update: I’ve gotten better. I can rep pull ups now (2 lol), but uh, I’ve definitely gotten stronger, and I don’t have to rest as long before I can start again. Thank you all very much for the kind words and advice + motivation. And uh, maybe I’ll have some new updates in a few months. Later all

Second update: I can do weighted pull ups with 15 pounds for 3 reps, and 7 light pull ups. Im happy
@adriennelisa 80% of kids could do at least 5 when I was in middle school, and I only graduated high school 1.5 years ago, so it’s not like I’m a boomer talking about bygone days.
@seekshare Any progress is worth being proud of. We live during a time where a person can get by while ignoring their physical fitness. The fact that you are putting in the effort AND reaching milestones like pullups is huge! I wish you all the best with your journey! You're going to be amazed with just what your body is capable of :)
@seekshare That’s awesome dude. Pull ups are my favourite exercise and a huge motivator for me to keep training. Idk if I could do a pull up at 13 but when I was 17 I could do 12-15 reps of fairly good form pull ups. I’m now 26 and almost 30kgs heavier. Some muscle, but mostly fat. And I restarted my training 2.5 months ago. And just like a few weeks ago I finally managed to do pull ups again !!! Such an awesome feeling being strong enough to do that!
Pull ups are my favourite exercise

One of my favorites too! I was never able to do one (didn't even try to be honest) until I started hitting the gym at 36. After achieving my first, then second, then third all I wanted to do was get to my fourth!
@seekshare Congrats young buck, that’s awesome. I remember my first pull up attempt, was in my early 20’s. I squirmed like a fish to get my chin above the bar 😆