Iron cross unlocked after 5 years of struggle

@isop777 Hey man good job! patience and perseverance is the key on everything! One question , i have a small nagging on my wrists, i already talked to my doctor and he said there was nothing more to do that some pills. It hurts when i do the support hold. will the wrist wraps help? if not i've heard that parallel bars are less wrist heavy
@believerscafe Hmmm not sure man, probably go to the physio? He might be able to prescribe some corrective exercises. Otherwise probably just rest it and focus on other things while you heal:)
@caddi27 Iron cross block pulls are when you set up a block Underneath the rings, put your feet on them and do iron crosses with your feet on the block in a l sit manner. It reduces a weight of a full cross but simulates the feeling at the bottom ! :)
@beastnate123 Haha not at all man! Still got a while to go before I get those. Having said that I would say I have a reasonable base- front lever, back level, 2 minute handstand, tuck Planche on rings,
@isop777 Australia, right? Sidney, maybe? I recognize this place as I think lachlan Walker also did some crosses right there, at that exact point. Great achievement, dude! Have a great day.
@isitok Yeah I mean go for it more often if you feel you can, but remember that when you go to the gym you don’t always want to test your max, you want to train so that you can improve your max. Eventually a cross won’t be your max and you can up the attempt frequency :)
@isop777 Great post and congratulations for your success!!! I highly agree on the tendon strength part - The pressure on the elbows is immense.
Feel free to check my blog on how I managed mastering the Iron Cross!
@isop777 This is amazing; congrats!!!

Also, I know this is kind of an old post but I have a question in regards to adult gymnastics. Do you sign up at a regular gymnastics place and check if they have adult programs or are here certain adult gymnastics places? I'm interested in doing that but the ones around me (I'm in Los Angeles) are for little kids, so I just wanted to know how one would go about inquiring for adults.

Thanks in advance :)
@isop777 You did not hold the position. You reached horizontal and kept sinking as the shaking continued.

Keep at the training. Shaking is an indication that your body needs to adapt further. Keep working on your serratus anterior muscles as well as the rest of your core. Holding cross takes a lot of core strength in addition to the strength of your shoulder rotator cuff muscles.
@isop777 Dude wut. 5 years?!?!? Why not closer to like... 5 months. Sorry but that seems super slow. I got to about 85% of the way after only a few months of shoulder training.
@kimbrown Yeah man 5 years is a long time. During that time I didn’t know how to train properly and I was very weak in the elbows. If I trained smarter it probably would have been quicker- but to each his own I guess. Sounds like you are super close as well, hope you achieve it soon !!