Is 30 too late to aim for an ‘athletic body’?

@norman70 I was in the best shape of my life in my mid-thirties..visible muscle at rest. I looked good with my shirt off, even to myself (which is areal challenge, we’re all very critical on ourselves).
All I had to do was train for a marathon, lift weights 3x/week and eat right all the time. That sounds like a lot, but once it’s habit it’s no big deal. I liked it.

I’m in my late 40s now and still an athlete. I do múltiple Olympic triathlons a year. I lift 5x a week. I don’t have my eating on point..and that’s ok. I have muscular arms and a nice soft belly. The most important thing is I still FEEL strong. I can jump into any physical activity and perform. Get at it now.
@norman70 No, my grandma started working out seriously after she retired at 60. It just takes consistency and time. You don't see results overnight it takes like more than 6 months to really see small visible changes at least for most people.

You just have to keep at it and have faith in the process. You can do it!
@dawn16 These questions pop up all the time because at the root of it all, the people are asking if the human body is capable of fitness over 30, regardless of their current status. I note these things to try and give perspective. Yes, these are Hollywood guys, but the body can do it.
@norman70 Your metabolism slow down as you get older, sometimes that can cause to increase in weight over time. Chances are you should prioritize food choices over physical activity seeing it’s what probably got you in this situation. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, if your someone who can’t focus it’s time to ask for help. If you can afford it hire a professional personal trainer. It makes a difference who you hire do your research and find something with experience and not your gym bro. If you can’t afford a personal trainer search online for training programs. Another way which I really don’t advise but I have to say is to take steroids, tren, Decca. Go on the juice.
@norman70 No way. In 2012 going into 2013 I was quite the mess from a health standpoint as well as just fat at 38. I lost somewhere between 30-40 Lbs in the later part of 2012 and through the summer of 2013. From there I continued to lift regularly using good, structured programming and mostly cycle and walk. Aesthetically I just started looking better and better even at roughly the same weight. At my peak I was a very athletic looking 12% BF with good musculature. I let that all slip away with the pandemic the last few years, but I'm back at it now at 49 and have no doubt I can regain what I had with time and consistency...those two things being very key. It took me a good 2-3 years lifting to really get to where I wanted to be the first time around (though there was improvement throughout the process)'s not a 30 day this or that kind of thing.
@norman70 No way!! I’ve met ripped 50 year olds at my gym who didn’t start until 33. “The angry therapist”, also ripped, didn’t start until about the same age. You picked a good time to start and got plenty with which to grow.