Is it possible to recomp without dieting and tracking?

@thetravman You could also do the "shock therapy" - depends on your personality but for some people it works well to start the cut with fast (1 or 2 days), the idea is the lowered calorie intake will then feel relatively good compared to the fast. But be responsible :)

Also there's no point to be TOO obsessed with the exact kcal number. Even Fitbit & co is not accurate when they test it, food is also averaged, I just work in the range of 100s.

I really recommend planning ahead with fiber, vitamins and minerals primarily, and then throw in something for performance before workout and only then something small you really enjoy to have.
@thetravman But it's not as scary as it seems! I put off my cut for months because I was intimidating by tracking and meal planning, and nervous about having to stay under a certain number of calories. But honestly? It's easy. My stats are similar to yours, and I started off eating around 1500 calories a day. I meal prep my lunch for the week, and cook dinner each night. If I crave something, I eat it, I just balance it out. I don't track as much as I did at first, but I do calculate how many calories are in a meal that I'm making and kind of intuitively go from there.
@cwriter15 Thanks for the motivation. How long do you cut for and then how do you maintain after that? Do you just recalculate your TDEE or go back to what it was before?
@thetravman I've been cutting for about 6 weeks, and I'm currently down 10 lbs, with roughly 13 to go. Once I get to where I want to be body fat wise, I'll recalculate my TDEE and recomp from there. I want to be able to eat as intuitively as possible, so I will probably start off tracking like I did starting my cut, and taper off as I get a good sense of how much food I need.