Is it true a small amount of fat is more visible on petite people?

@jesusisking1 Yes, but it also depends on just how your body stores fat.

I'm an apple shape and tend to store fat in my stomach and boobs, I'd like to get down to 120lbs or maybe smaller but I don't imagine I will ever lose the fat in my stomach completely without being underweight. Even when I was much smaller in my teens, I had a slight belly. It's probably due to other factors as well like stress.

Some women however don't really tend to store fat in their belly, so even at a bigger weight, their stomach is relatively flat.

But weight gain is very obvious on smaller people, in the weight loss subreddits, there are women who are 6", 5'9", even 5'6" and they weigh way more than me around the 180 to 150lb range, but you wouldn't be able to tell because they're taller and so they carry the weight differently.
@jesusisking1 i lost 15 kg expecting to see day and night difference looking at my progress pics (fairly i didn’t take any at my heaviest so maybe 10kg difference). but no it looks like 5 kgs at best.
taller people losing this amount of weight look very different in their pictures, so i thought since i’m short it has to be more obvious, but no. i guess my fat was distributed too evenly.
don’t get me wrong, clothes fit better and i can see it, but if i was to show my pictures to someone - they would need to really focus, like if they were to play “find 5 differences” game
@jesusisking1 dude each pound lost is more noticeable on petite women. when i lost my first 10 pounds (125.9-115) the difference was INSANE. im only an inch shorter than you but it really made a huge difference

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