Is it true a small amount of fat is more visible on petite people?

@jesusisking1 I’m 5’4” and 127lbs and still have a belly. The rest of me is now tiny, but that belly is clinging on for dear life 😂. I’m hoping the last few pounds (my goal is 118 also) will make it poof and vanish 💥
@jesusisking1 It depends on whether you lose muscle or fat. I'd go slowly and (if you aren't already) weight lift and eat plenty of plant protein (fiber ups what's called fecal energy loss). Fat has much more volume and will make a more visible difference, especially on us smaller framed ppl (I'm 5'2"). Because of birth control and time away from the gym, I've gone from 115 to 102 since college (10+ yrs). But it was mostly muscle (I had a low bf to start), so I look almost the same.
@jesusisking1 Yes lol it absolutely is. I'm 5'1 and I recently started running again, lost around 4 pounds and I already feel a lot slimmer (even though I'm not yet). But I also gained 10 pounds last year when I started a new medication and it felt more like 15 because of how terribly my clothes fit and how bloated my face and arms were. It's a very fine line and I know that I have to lose at least another 30 pounds before I'll actually feel fit. It sucks.
@jesusisking1 Yes, I usually am around 102 at 5’1 but due to a miscarriage, I stopped taking care of myself and am 115 at the moment.

I look like a completely different person, and not in a good way.

Slowly trying to shred the pounds in a healthy way.
@jesusisking1 My sibling’s friend didn’t recognize me because he met me 10 lbs ago, so yes! But if you’re expecting all fat on your stomach to leave, it likely will not unless you already have a nice body fat %. Some people my height on here look way smaller at much higher weights, for example!
@jesusisking1 I have too say, yes those 8 pounds do make a huge difference. I see a difference between my body at 112 to 108 pounds. I am 5'1. so yes those pounds do make a difference. At 108 I do not have a belly but at 112 I do.