Is weight lifting ruining my physical endurance ?


New member
Hi , l’m 26 M ,1’85 cm (6 feet ) 93 kg I’ve been playing basketball at a competitive level since I was 13, I’ve always had stamina problems at the beginning of a game, I quickly feel tired and want to stop running 5-10min after the kickoff but as the game continues I start feeling much better. I’ve experienced this many times even though I work out regularly (never experienced this in regular practice ) .I’ve seen 2 doctors over the last 6 years , did some medical analysis and nothing serious was reported. Did anyone else experience this early game stamina problem ? I tried more extended warmup sessions and it didn’t work.

I have to admit that I recently focused more on weight lifting and rarely go for a run except the 2 per week basketball trainings , I feel like this made my endurance even worse. Now I m more muscular and find it hard to carry my weight .
Any explanations or advice ?
@jeffc1983 If you focus on strength any task you already do will become easier and therefore less tiring.

If you focus on hypertrophy you can totally develop mass without the functionality and get worse athleticism.

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