Just did 24.2. Gave it my all. Doing crossfit for 6 months. Did scaled.

@user911 You’re disappointed because you’re focusing on others.

The inner voice goes “I did less than…” when you do that.

If you focused on you, that voice may go something like “HOLY SHNIKIES, I just deadlifted a bar with a lot of weight like a ton of times and hauled ass on a rower which I used to not know how to use and jumped rope in between. Who am I?!”

Easier said than done. But I’ve been confined to a wheelchair and not walking for a long time, any score is just fine compared to my first unassisted steps again.

So, for me, it’s a perspective thing.
@user911 I got 6 rounds done as well; that was my goal.

Maybe this wasn’t your workout. Perhaps you went in too hot and if you redo it you’ll learn to pace it. Don’t be too hard in yourself. Remember a lot of people don’t even visit a gym.
@user911 My sister asked me to run in a local 5k with her for support. The last runner car was behind us. Someone yelled (honestly), how does it feel to be in last place? She didn’t miss a beat and said, get off your SSA and see what f you can beat me. Never forgot that comment.

PS did scaled today b/c Dubs and had an amazing workout.