Just watched a large man’s “what I eat in a day” IG real and once again mad at how little we can eat

@sweetkf 5’4” and 124 lbs, and I can say if you enjoy being active it’s quite possible to have a 2500 daily calorie need. I know because I did for two years straight (lots and lots of hilly bike riding and bike commuting). I can’t even imagine how annoying it must be to be large and active. Like you’d have to eat all the time and break the bank at the grocery store.
@shieldofangels Food is fuel. You eat for the nutrients. This man isn’t mindless stuffing his face with empty calories. He’s clearly eating to hit whatever health and fitness goals he has set for himself. If a smaller person is following the same path they’ll feel the same way he does when they’re done with their food.

Larger people require more calories. If anything it’s more challenging for them than it is for those of use who require fewer calories to fuel our activity.
@forwhatitsworth the reason we are complaining is because we can only eat 1/2 or even 1/3 of what some men our same heights can eat. one of my best friends is only an inch taller than me and eats TRIPLE what i do to maintain his weight.

some of us actually enjoy eating food and would like to not have to count our calories every day to keep ourselves from gaining weight; but because we are short and petite, we have to be more careful and can’t afford as much wiggle room