Just watched a large man’s “what I eat in a day” IG real and once again mad at how little we can eat

@shieldofangels I’m grateful I don’t have to spend too much on groceries, tbh. And I am grateful I do not have kids for the same reason. It’s easy for me to help myself out financially, and healthily by eating less. It does suck sometimes because my body is used to stretching out that stomach
@shieldofangels Someone sent this to me and this is indeed about me, “emptycages” on Instagram or tiktok, and this particular day if I remember right was a day where I trained heavy for powerlifting full body, ran a couple miles, and rolled for like an hour and a half on and off at bjj. I am able to eat way more on days like that. On days I don’t train I eat quite a bit less. I’ve always been able to eat quite a bit more than my peers, I still have the taco record for my high school football team lol.
@maggiechristianforumsdeng omg hi! I feel weird posting about you and having you show up in the comments. I really enjoyed your video, it’s great seeing examples of high-protein vegan diets!
Was just feeling bummed abt the fact that i’m currently trying to lose weight at 5’2” with low muscle mass (currently working on it!) and can eat maybe 1/3 of the calories hahaha

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