Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?

@regadoo I have found that being super strict during the week but less strict on the weekends is much slower than trying to be consistent. If you look at Saturday, Sunday, and half of Friday, that's 2.5 days of loose counting - 2.5 lenient days is actually a bigger percentage of the week than you might think. And if you're not being very accurate, you could very easily negate the 4.5 days of strict counting.

I totally get not going insane doing strict counting 24/7 though. I think you can a) continue doing it this way but recognize and accept that it will take longer or b) maybe only do one day of lenient counting, like only Saturday.

At your current stats, because you're not super tall and you are already at a relatively lower weight, it's going to take way more consistent tracking - or just accepting it'll take longer.

Edit to add, the closer you get to your goal weight the less likely you'll be able to avoid strict counting. You'll know when you start to plateau.
@regadoo Took me 8 months to go from 5’ 127 to 117… started off losing 2 lbs the first month, then each month I lost a little less, then 2 months of plateau, then another few ounces. Would love to get to 110, but I foresee that taking more than the next 8 months.
@regadoo I had gotten a stationary bike about a year ago, and at the end of January, I told myself I would get on it and do at least a 20-minute class on the app 5 days a week. Gradually progressed to 30min and then 45 or 60min classes. My fitness tracker says I lose about 200-300 calories in a class, and that’s really what I did the first 6 months. I’d already been intermittent fasting for years without any results.
@stosa Haven't been tracking calories but eat 2 meals a day. All of the cycling classes were Soulcycle on the EQX+ app. I probably average about 7000 steps a day - that's not something I focus on, though I probably should.
@regadoo It took me a little less than 2 months to lose the first 10 pounds. I followed the Lose It app’s budget very strictly. The cool thing is that it lets you do high days and low days, so on my weekends I could eat a little more, similar to what you’re doing. I never used a scale to weigh food, but I was consistent in using my measuring scoops and counting things out - this level of estimation was enough for me tracking-wise. I didn’t do much exercise during this period, but did average 8,000 steps a day from work.

Edited to add stats:

SW: 123 CW/GW: 100 4’9”
@regadoo I've been on a journey since May as well and I've only lost about 13 lbs since then. I am 5'4, 37 and had a baby in Feb so I am focusing on getting enough nutrition while building muscle mass and losing fat. So it's going SUUUPER slowly for me too, but I am at about a half a pound loss per week path, and when my cycle rolls around it's hell so everything goes on pause for 1 week a month lol. I'm right there with ya in these terms and I wish it would happen faster, but as my coach says "slow and steady wins the race." I too have been eatinng well in order to keep my sanity I am doing between 1800-1900 cal a day and 8-10k steps a day average. I used to go balls to the wall at 1200 cals a day and looking back I realize that was a mistake because I then would gain it back and then some. This time I am trying a more sustainable approach that will hopefully help me to keep the weight off. Think of it that way!
@regadoo I have very similar stats to you (5’1”, mid-twenties, HW~135, CW~122) and it took me 4 months to lose my first 10 lbs—after spending maybe twice that time just figuring out CICO and how to do it sustainably 😅 I am not as strict as some and I honor my treat days. I’ve also taken a break to maintain over the past month (and didn’t gain the weight back!). Like others have mentioned, you are at a healthy weight, so healthy and sustainable weight loss may be slower. Best wishes to you!
@regadoo Like you I started in a healthy weight range so I took it very slowly - 5’4 and went from 136 to 126 in 5.5 months (on average about 0.25-0.6lbs lost per week). Doing it this way kept my mental health in check, allowed me to lift heavy, and let me enjoy social events like weddings and travel where I can still eat untracked. I highly recommend doing it this way to keep weight loss sustainable!

Also, find non-scale victories like changes in measurements, progress pics, and strength gains. I lost 3 inches off my waist and went from 0 to 4 pull ups in this time frame. If you fuel your body well and train hard, changes can be seen all over, not just the scale.