Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?

@stosa Aat the time I was doing as close to 1300 as possible and I was miserable lol I think it was becoming an issue because I remember a lot of guilt centered around food, especially when holidays hit and small gatherings were allowed.

As for steps, I can't really say I did too much because I was definitely in the house most of the time. I did workouts from Claire P. Thomas because she released a home workout plan early on in lockdown. It was basically 6 days a week of cardio, HIIT, and dumbbell workouts. It was a workout schedule I could keep because I literally had nothing else going on and I can't see myself doing it now.
@regadoo take slow weight loss over fast any day.

i went too strict and lost about 10lbs a month, gained it all and more back bc of how unsustainable it was. ur progress is great so far, don’t be discouraged !
@regadoo At this point you will do well to lose a pound a month without busting your ass in an unsustainable way. I just ate and exercised for my goal weight and forgot about it. Eventually I got there.
@stosa CICO, two weight workouts a week. I don’t aim for any particular step count but I walk a couple times a week. I’m actually pretty sedentary! Patience and consistency.
@stosa I used a calorie calculator and used my goal weight for sedentary. Then I got a Fitbit. Now I use the LoseIt app. It’s pretty easy. If I’m planning on going on vacation or something I bank a few thousand calories but I never go totally wild for more than a meal here and there. It’s just not worth it. The key is to find every day treats so you don’t feel deprived. If you give yourself what you crave when you crave it you won’t ever get too far off course. Good luck!
@stosa It literally is that number. I’m sure those counters aren’t 100% accurate but it seemed to work. I added exercise/steps back in and did an appropriate average for the week.
@stosa It varies but ranges between 1350 if I’m a total couch potato to 1500-1600 if I’m really active, but you have to keep in mind that I’m older (59), have a sedentary job, am short with a small frame, and do the bare minimum workouts necessary for health. I use my Fitbit and CICO.
@regadoo I just lost my first 10 (out of 25) lbs, it took me about 12 weeks. I lost roughly 0.5-2 lb per week and a few weeks of maintenance in between. To your point I think it depends on what's going on in your life. I was funemployed and wasn't living nearby any of my friends this summer, so I spent all of my time either in the gym, yoga studio, and walking. Overall I think slow and steady wins the race, because I was not gonna give up fried chicken and burgers haha. Sustainable lifelong changes are the best!
@regadoo If I do hiit workouts and eat better then I could drop 10-15lbs in 3 or 4 months. If I'm coming from a very unhealthy place like being depressed/sedentary/not cooking at home then I can usually drop 5-7lbs within the first week or so then I lose 1-2lbs per month after that. But I have to do "all the things" like workout 3-4 times a week, get 5-10k steps in, cook + track calories, hit 100g protein for workout days and get some movement in every hour or so. I didn't eat healthy all the time and regularly had fast food but was more mindful of choices.

Slow progress means sustainable. You can get aggressive with weight loss but the hard part is maintaining it. Enjoy the vacations. It doesn't hinder as much as you think. You just get back into routine. A break/rest could sometimes help you overcome a plateau.

I switched over to strength training and while I workout 4-6 days a week... my weight doesn't budge at all anymore but I can eat 2,000+ calories at 5'2". My measurements have changed so make sure you track those to compare. Sometimes we don't notice gradual changes