@patdude832 I get the logic. I've done it before and it works.
I would do 2 on 1 off, and do dbs one time and cable sides the other.
So in your case: Legs (DB sides), Shoulders (with Cable sides), Back (off), Chest (DBs), Arms (Cables)
If you don't do them, on your shoulder day, do wide grip upright rows for side delts. They are excellent. I like to lean forward and cheat a little. Almost a high pull.
I would do 2 on 1 off, and do dbs one time and cable sides the other.
So in your case: Legs (DB sides), Shoulders (with Cable sides), Back (off), Chest (DBs), Arms (Cables)
If you don't do them, on your shoulder day, do wide grip upright rows for side delts. They are excellent. I like to lean forward and cheat a little. Almost a high pull.