Linear progression with 2x24kg KB


New member
Hi all,

So I am doing a full body routine 3-4x a week based on all the compound movements (goblet squat, swing, kB clean and press, kB floor press, double kettlebell row and carries). My main question was for progression to keep things going. I was essentially going to my rep max for each workout (leaving one in the tank) for 4 sets on each exercise. Going forward I was going to add 1 rep to each to increase my progression to see how far I get (I may stall and have to keep practicing etc). Just wanted some opinions on what you guys think?

Hope your all safe and well!
@youngman4god Ways you can progress with the same weight:
  • more reps
  • more sets
  • more control
  • harder variations
  • less rest
  • more power
  • more cowbell (ok not this one)
I quite like adding reps or sets until it feels pretty maxxed out then switching to a harder variation.

For example with squats you might progress via:
  • Box squat
  • Goblet squat
  • Upside down goblet squat
  • Rack position goblet squat
  • Overhead squat
  • Lunge
  • Split squat
  • Supported pistol
  • Pistol squat
Once you make it to 5 sets of 10 on pistol squats with both your 24kg bells, it's definitely time to get more weight.
@dawn16 Thanks man appreciate It! So using your methodology this workout could last me a hell of a time! My Reps are between 5-8 on these so I have a lot of strength to gain first!
@youngman4god Hello.

Are you doing a complex. A good one to consider would be in a ladder format.

1 renegade row
1 press up off kettlebell then to you're feet.
1 swing
1 clean
1 press
1 squat.


Next round do 2 of each, then next round 3. Rest as required.

Then start again from 1, 2, 3.

Complete 3 round to start.

Then each week/month add a rep up to 5 reps. Then start adding rounds when it feels easy.

With two 24kg KB you'll be a beast in no time.

Or more traditional compound movements keep the ladder format, it's a great way to accumulate reps with low volume work.

Maybe consider this order.

Clean and press
Gorilla rows
Floor press

Good luck.

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