List Of Exercises you can do at the gym (For Beginners)


New member
Hi guys, I want to share with you a list of what are considered to be the best and most often used exercises for each major muscle group, this list may be useful for beginners who don't what to do at the gym:

1. chest workouts
  • Chest Workout #1: Bench Press
  • Chest Workout #2: Incline Press
  • Chest Workout #3: Decline Press
  • Chest Workout # 4: Dumbbell Press
  • Chest Workout #5: Dumbbell Flys
  • Chest Workout #6: Incline Dumbbell Press
  • Chest Workout #7: Incline dumbbell flys
  • Chest Workout #8: Pec Deck Flys
  • Chest Workout #9: Cable Crossover Flys
  • Chest Workout #10: Dumbbell Pullovers
  • Chest Workout #11: Parallel Bar Dips
2. Biceps Workouts
  • Biceps Workout #1: Standing barbell curls
  • Biceps Workout #2: Reverse Grip Barbell Curl
  • Biceps Workout #3: Barbell Preacher Curl
  • Biceps Workout #4: Biceps Machine Curls
  • Biceps Workout #5: Cable Biceps Curl
  • Biceps Workout #6: Cable Preacher Curl
  • Biceps Workout #7: Cable Reverse Curl
  • Biceps Workout #8: Concentration Curl
  • Biceps Workout #9: Standing Dumbbell Curl
  • Biceps Workout #10: Standing Hammer Curl
  • Biceps Workout #11: One Arm Low Pulley Curls
  • Biceps Workout #12: Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curl
  • Biceps Workout #13: One Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl
3. Back Workouts
  • Back Workout #1: Chin-Ups
  • Back Workout #2: Pull-Ups
  • Back Workout #3: Inverted Row
  • Back Workout #4: Superman
  • Back Workout #5: Lat Pulldowns
  • Back Workout #6: Back Lat Pulldowns
  • Back Workout #7: V-Bar Lat Pulldowns
  • Back Workout #8: Straight-Arm Lat Pulldowns
  • Back Workout #9: Seated Cable Rows
  • Back Workout #10: One-Arm Dumbbell Rows
  • Back Workout #11: Bent Over Row
  • Back Workout #12: Machine T-Bar Rows
  • Back Workout #13: Cable incline pushdown
  • Back Workout #14: Machine Reverse Fly
4. Tricep Workouts
  • Triceps Workout #1: Close grip pushup
  • Triceps Workout #2: Wide Grip Pull Up
  • Triceps Workout #3: Bench Dips
  • Triceps Workout #4: Lying Triceps extensions (Skull Crusher)
  • Triceps Workout #5: Dumbbell Triceps Extensions
  • Triceps Workout #6: Seated EZ-Bar triceps extensions
  • Triceps Workout #7: Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extensions
  • Triceps Workout #8: One-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extensions
  • Triceps Workout #9: Dumbbell triceps kickback
  • Triceps Workout #10: Pushdowns
  • Triceps Workout #11: Reverse Pushdowns
  • Triceps Workout #12: One-Arm Reverse pushdowns
  • Triceps Workout #13: Rope Push Down
5. Forearm Workouts
  • Forearm Workout #1: Reverse Wrist Curls
  • Forearm Workout #2: Wrist Curls
  • Forearm Workout #3: Barbell Behind The Back Wrist Curl
6. Shoulders Workouts
  • Shoulders Workout #1: One Arm Standing Dumbbell Press
  • Shoulders Workout #2: Barbell Front Raises
  • Shoulders Workout #3: Dumbbell Lateral Raises
  • Shoulders Workout #4: Upright Rows
  • Shoulders Workout #5: Bent Over Lateral Raises
  • Shoulders Workout #6: Nautilus Lateral Raises
  • Shoulders Workout #7: Standing Dumbbell Front Raise
  • Shoulders Workout #8: Side-Lying Lateral Raises
  • Shoulders Workout #9: Single Arm Cable Lateral Raises
  • Shoulders Workout #10: Single Arm Cable Front Raises
  • Shoulders Workout #11: Low Pulley Bent-Over Lateral Raises
  • Shoulders Workout #12: One-Dumbbell Front Raises
  • Shoulders Workout #13: Back Seated Military Press
  • Shoulders Workout #14: Front Seated Military Press
  • Shoulders Workout #15: Arnold Dumbbell Press
  • Shoulders Workout #16: Cable Upright Row
  • Shoulders Workout #17: Dumbbell Upright Row
  • Shoulders Workout #18: Seated Machine Shoulder Press
7. Traps Workouts
  • Traps Workout #1: Barbell Upright Rows
  • Traps Workout #2: Barbell Shrugs
  • Traps Workout #3: Dumbbell Shrugs
8. Legs Workouts
  • Legs Workout #1: Side Lunges
  • Legs Workout #2: Dumbbell lunge
  • Legs Workout #3: Dumbbell split squat
  • Legs Workout #4: Dumbbell squats
  • Legs Workout #5: Dumbbell Step Up
  • Legs Workout #6: Dumbbell deadlift
  • Legs Workout #7: Standing leg curls
  • Legs Workout #8: Cable Adductions
  • Legs Workout #9: Leg Extensions
  • Legs Workout #10: Machine Adductions
  • Legs Workout #11: Seated Leg Curls
  • Legs Workout #12: Angled leg press
  • Legs Workout #13: Hack squats
  • Legs Workout #14: Squats
  • Legs Workout #15: Power Squats
  • Legs Workout #16: Front squats
  • Legs Workout #17: Lying leg curls
  • Legs Workout #18: Good Mornings
  • Legs Workout #19: Stiff-Legged deadlifts
  • Legs Workout #20: Deadlifts
  • Legs Workout #21: Sumo deadlifts
9. Buttocks Workouts
  • Buttocks Workout #1: Floor Hip Extensions
  • Buttocks Workout #2: Floor Hip Abductions
  • Buttocks Workout #3: Bridging
  • Buttocks Workout #4: One Leg Cable Kickback
  • Buttocks Workout #5: Machine Hip Extensions
  • Buttocks Workout #6: Cable Hip Abductions
  • Buttocks Workout #7: Standing Machine Hip Abductions
  • Buttocks Workout #8: Seated Machine Hip Abductions
  • Buttocks Workout #9: Back Extension
10. Calves Workouts
  • Calf Workout #1: One Leg Bodyweight Calf Raise
  • Calf Workout #2: One-Leg Toe Raises
  • Calf Workout #3: Dumbbell Calf Raise Seated Single leg
  • Calf Workout #4: Seated Barbell Calf Raises
  • Calf Workout #5: Standing Barbell Calf Raises
  • Calf Workout #6: Seated Calf Raises
  • Calf Workout #7: Machine Calf Press
  • Calf Workout #8: Cable Calf Raise
11. Abs Workouts
  • Abs Workout #1: Broomstick twists
  • Abs Workout #2: Dumbbell Side Bends
  • Abs Workout #3: Normal Planks
  • Abs Workout #4: Side Planks
  • Abs Workout #5: Abdominal Bicycle
  • Abs Workout #6: Hanging Knee Raise
  • Abs Workout #7: Crunches
  • Abs Workout #8: Sit-Ups
  • Abs Workout #9: Weighted Situp
  • Abs Workout #10: Floor Crunch (Legs on bench)
  • Abs Workout #11: Barbell Rollout
  • Abs Workout #12: Decline Sit Up
  • Abs Workout #13: Roman Chair Leg Raises
  • Abs Workout #14: Crunch On Exercise Ball
  • Abs Workout #15: Roman Chair Side Bends
  • Abs Workout #16: High Puller Crunches (Cable Crunch)
  • Abs Workout #17: Machine Trunk Rotations
  • Abs Workout #18: Barbell Side Bend
  • Abs Workout #19: Machine Crunches
  • Abs Workout #20: Incline Leg Raises
  • Abs Workout #21: Hanging Leg Raises
  • Abs Workout #22: Bent Knee Windshield Wipers
  • Abs Workout #23: Flat bench Leg Raise
  • Abs Workout #24: Bent Knee Hip Raise

    hopefully, this will help you :)
@dawn16 It even close. He’s just providing a list of exercises. You could also go to bodybuilding.con and they have a list of exercises by body part. If you’re new just search new beginner routines. Whether you use 5x5, Stratton strengths, there are many good beginner routines.
@dawn16 Look up “starting strength”, you should just do the main barbell exercises. (Bench press, squat, deadlift, standing press). All this extra bullshit is for bodybuilding which is like perfectly sculpting out specific muscle groups. If you’re looking to increase your overall fitness and/or get stronger you should not waste your time doing all these extra exercises.
@jferg No. You would want to stick to a muscle group (or two) per day as a begginner since that will make your scheduling much easier.

Say you do 3-6 excersises of bicep and 3-6 of tricep for example. Do that while keeping them in sets of 3
No, my trainer says pick the muscle groups to focus on and run thru 3-4 exercises with at least a pair of sets (lower weight, make sure technique is safe, do 12 of each)

As an example, today I was on upper body and back with 2 x sets each of 12, total 24 moves per exercise.

Lat Pulldown
Lat overheads
Dead lifts

I also threw in some leg presses (heavier, but 4 shorter sets of 6.

I think it’s important to note that you need to learn the technique as the focus, because a lot of these can cause massive issues

I’ve only been doing this 4months, moves from 145kg back to 122kg now.

Good luck :-D
No issues at all... I’ve been there, 37 years old, stepped foot in the gym maybe 10times in that timeframe. so hope it helps someone become more confident in that they can do it too!
@debbie23 Absolutely no issues, happy to answer, I’ll cover 2 sides here as not sure if you mean rest day or between sets.

For benefit, the above takes about 1 hour (down from 1.5 when I started) with a 15 minute warm-up on the elliptical.

Rest days - I work out Monday (push), Tuesday (pull), Thursday (Cardio) and Saturday (weights)
On the days between, I chill (figuratively, Australia is on fire after all) and do nothing.

During the sessions, I’ve gotten my recovery time from about 6minutes (was laughing with PT about this on Friday lol), to about 35/45 seconds.... BUT, don’t take that advice... I would target minimum 1-1:30m between exercises. It’s important here that you’re body is getting the oxygen it needs.... so that the task I set myself too, is dropping the heart rate to normal, then however long you need for recovery. It will get better as you proceed :)

Breathing is where I would focus, getting that right helped me a lot, allows a bit of refined focus, but importantly your body is burning oxygen to do this, so help it by sucking in as much air as possible as quickly as possible whilst working out.... I don’t mean hyperventilate. Just big, deeps but short breaths.

Hope it helps, but again I’m only a newbie in the gym :)

Good luck :D
@dawn16 Sorry for getting back to you so late, but thank you for the info! Saved the comment and am looking forward to using your advice!

Thank you again, and have a great New Year/Decade!