M 22, 4 months progress. From 130 lbs to 143 lbs

@reallylongnickname Glad to be an inspiration! I was lucky to have such a drastic change in a short amount of time but I didn’t begin working out with high expectations. My goals are to master certain skills. As of now it’s front lever and hand stand. I also hope to gain more strength and size. I usually eat 2000 at the very least to 2500 calories per day.
@coltonsindy 2000 minimum up to 2500 per day. My shakes make it 10x easier to hit my goals as they are usually 600 calories each. If I can’t make up the difference with food throughout the day, I will have another shake at night.
@regularposter I see i was doing 3000-3400 and It worked gained 10lbs in about 2 months but man it was just so much food lol I feel like I got tired of it and gave up but I think I might just do a 2000 cal minimum and expect my result slower
@dasarithomas I start every day with a shake and 3 boiled eggs. My shake contains protein powder, a banana, frozen berries, almond butter and almond milk. My lunch and dinner usually consist of the same few things. Brown rice mixed with quinoa and vegetables, a garden salad with olive oil, lemon juice and a touch of salt, and a hefty amount of meat, mostly lean chicken and beef, but I do have fish occasionally. I also have pasta every now and again but I did reduced my bread intake to virtually none. When I snack I try and stick to fruits or just eat real foods instead of a “snack.” I also try and drink at least a half gallon of water per day. Hope this helps!
@eeryman They work perfectly for me. I chose these ones so I could attach them at the base for stability during dips but also use each one individually. They don’t take up too much space and are very sturdy.
@zara123 I just watched a lot of YouTube videos and also gathered info from the free portion of the heria pro app. I did look at the recommended routine from here too much but I’m sure it’s a solid routine.