M 22, 4 months progress. From 130 lbs to 143 lbs

@regularposter do you do circuit training or traditional training where you are resting between sets? how long do you rest between each exercise? and do you go to failure on these workouts?/how many reps do you have left in the tank after doing an exercise?
@christiant I mix up circuit and traditional. Chest and tricep day is a circuit, I do all the exercises I listed in that order and then complete the circuit 3 times. On back and bicep day I actually kind of ping pong my exercises. For example, I will do one set of resistance band bicep curls, then switch to pull ups and complete one set and do that for that whole exercise. Shoulder day is completely traditional. And leg day is a regular circuit. I usually rest around 45 seconds to a minute and 30 seconds between sets on everyday besides leg day. I like to keep leg day at a high intensity to burn fat, I use strict 45 second rest there. I usually rest 2-4 minutes in between circuits. I do go till failure, and What I’ve done is complete rep goals even if I can’t do it in one go. For example, if I am on the 3rd run of my chest circuit and I can’t hit the rep 10 rep goal for push ups, I will max out and say do 7, pause and catch my breathe for maybe 10 seconds without leavening the position and try to finish the set. Hope this was clear!
@regularposter makes sense! but just to clarify, so for the chest and triceps day, are the 10 dips and 10 pushups the max amount you can do/failure? and then after you do the 10 dips, do you rest 45 seconds, then do the pushups, or right after the dips, you go straight to the pushups, as well as all the other exercises listed?

i’m not really used to circuit training, i usually have always sticked to traditional in the gym, but now that i’m working out at home, i might consider changing it up.
@regularposter By ping ponging your exercises during back and bicep day, do you mean you choose only 2 exercises to do that involve biceps? Or do you go through whole circuit in random order?
@dawn16 So for back bicep day I start with bicep curls with the bands under my my feet and regular pull ups, I do one set of bicep curls, rest, then do one set of pull ups, rest, then back to bicep curls. I go back and forth until I have completed 4 sets of bicep curls and 3 sets of pull ups. Then I switch to neutral grip pull ups, do one set, rest, then do one set of bicep curls with the bands anchored in front of me, rest, then back to neutral grip pull ups until I once again complete 3 sets of the pull ups and 4 of the curls. I continue this pattern with chin ups and curls with the bands anchored behind me. Once I’ve done all of that, I finish things off with 3 sets of body weight rows.
@dawn16 I rest between each exercise, so 45-90 seconds after my pull ups and after my curls. Once I finish the first round (3 sets of regular pull ups, 4 sets of bicep curls under my feet) I rest 2-4 minutes, then switch my pull up grip and bicep curls and go back to resting 45-90 seconds between each set until that’s done, etc...
@christiant Sort of. Let me try to make it clearer. To start the circuit I do 10 dips, rest 45 seconds (or a bit more), do 10 push ups, rest 45 seconds, then 10 diamond pushups, rest 45 seconds, etc... ending with the decline pushups. once i have completed all the exercises listed I rest 2-4 minutes (could be more if you need, just not too long.) and repeat that 2 more times. You don’t need to use 10 reps, pick a number of reps that you can make it through the first round with without stoping. Not all exercises need the same rep goal as you may be stronger in certain areas rather then others, just make sure you keep track of your numbers so you can increase them as you gain strength. 10 is not my max, but it is a rep number I can hit on every exercise the first round of the circuit. By the time I’m on round 3 of the circuit I’m usually not able to hit my 10 rep goal on each exercise, so at that point I can only max out say 7 pushups, so I’ll do that struggling on to get 7, take a second to breathe and regain some strength (like 10 seconds) then do 3 more reps to hit my rep goal. I do that for each exercise I can’t hit my original goal with, I basically pausing briefly mid set then finish it off.