Mini bike? Under-desk elliptical? Trying to get more activity in my day


New member
A year ago, I made the transition from a physically active job (constantly on the move, including walking 8-10+ miles), to a work from home sedentary desk job. It's been a huuuuuge adjustment to say the least.

I also live in Canada and am currently dealing -20°C (-4°F) weather or colder (excluding windchill). Plus gyms are still closed (have been through basically the entire pandemic).

I get some steps in with walking my dog, but again, it's cold out so neither of us want to be out for more than 30 min at a time. And I do a 30-45 min workout at home most weekdays over my lunchbreak. But I still feel like I have a lot of stationary time. I feel like I'm going stir-crazy.

I'm wondering if it's worth it to buy a mini-exercisebike/under-desk peddle or elliptical, since doing something is better than nothing. Is there one anyone can recommend? Or is there a better alternative? I have basically zero experience with exercise machines, as I usually stick with free weights and body weight.
@joshuanicholson Hi everyone I'm about to buy the Under dest elliptical . What I'm not seeing is the charger or plug. Is it one that you can charge ,unplug and use or it has to be plugged in when in use? Hoping to hear from you'll soon.
@joshuanicholson I've got two Cubii pros. One at home and one at work. I just added up all my miles since I bought them in March 2019 and have 3,567.79 miles completed as of today. It's a must if you have a desk job.
@joshuanicholson I have an under desk bike and am currently borrowing an under desk elliptical from my mom. Both are made by DeskCycle.

I love the bike, but my desk at home is not very high and it just doesn't fit. At work it doesn't really fit under my desk either. It's frustrating because I really like it, but you need to have a lot of clearance and a deep space under your feet.

The elliptical is much better for tighter spaces. You can place your feet pretty much anywhere on the pedals, so even if you have low clearance like my home desk you can still pedal away. It's also easier to stealth use on camera -- the cycle made it harder to mask that you were fidgeting.

Now my problem is that my dog has decided that she wants to hang under my desk despite the fact that she has a bed right next to me. So I can't use it for fear of squashing her toes. Can't win
@joshuanicholson This isn't the same as an under-desk elliptical (and it's much cheaper...), but I really love my wobble board at my desk! I initially got it for rehab after a sprained ankle, but now it's so much fun to wiggle around on the board and practice my balance at my standing desk.