My 2 Year Calisthenics Journey! Full Planche, Maltese, Victorian Cross

@jamesl He got the left to right / before to after progression correct except in the before you’re supposed to look like crap!

Most people, myself included, would love to have that before as their after.

Congrats. Very well done. Supremely well done!
@jamesl Awesome read man, thanks for this write-up.

Did you train specifically for the One Arm Front Lever? Im working towards it atm and can actually kinda hold it for a bit, but only with a bent arm. Curious if there's any exercises in particular that helped.

Possibly a helpful tip for Cross: i saw much better and faster progress (i can hold one for a few sec on a good day now) when i actually started to use the 'proper' technique of rolling the shoulders slightly forward and having the biceps pointing straight down. This will probably be a lot harder on the joints at first, but i think this technique is a lot better in the long run as you can 'lock' yourself in the position better and rely more on joint/ct strength instead of muscular. Also, while its harder on the biceps, i feel like it's a lot easier on the medial epicondyle.

Keep up the good work! youre a beast
@isschade The scapular position is purely preference but I've heard people talk a lot about the biceps pointing down a lot thing, can you elaborate please? mine point forward when I try the cross.

Even a Gymnast's form the same

@orthodoxcrusaderuk I put 'proper' between quotation marks because like showed in the video, there are definitely people who can do it that way. Guy in the vid is obviously very strong and has likely been training since he was a kid. Even then from the video angle it's a bit hard to see if his biceps are actually pointing straight forward or not.

By far the majority of athletes use the biceps pointing down technique, professional gymnasts as well as self taught calisthenics athletes (Carlo Figus, Spinazzola etc) and there's gotta be good reason for it. Recently stumbled upon this video, which kinda explains it a bit.
@jamesl I would never see that face and expect the guy to take his shirt off and reveal that body.

Nothing wrong with the face… just saying the glasses and at ease smile and Indian(?) look sets an expectation of smarts versus elite muscular toned body.

You’re probably both and to be fair, you don’t expect that level of perfection on anybody…