Name 3-4 kettlebell exercises for 30mins


New member
I'm sick of doing 30 exercises in 30mins. What are some 3-4 exercises with kettlebells I can do for 30mins. I just want 3-4 so that I focus on my workout than on which exercise I need to next.

Edit: Thanks everyone!
@kepet You generally want programs, not workouts. DFW has a clear plan for progression, ABC is just a complex.

It's like asking what's better, 5/3/1 or high bar squat. High bar squats are awesome, but you need a program to tell you sets, reps and weight.

I personally like to program ABC like this.
@hunter101 Dan John laid out a plan with ABC and the Humane Burpee in one of his latest podcast episodes. 3 days a week, switching between both (ABA BAB for two weeks) =>
(the S&S vs ABC part starting at 27:33). I‘ll do that in a few weeks, want to get back into the game with a few weeks of S&S first.
@kepet I like DFW myself because I’ve run the program a few times. I do ABC in between programs, especially when I’m trying to condition my squat game.
@chargedbyfaith If you want to get strong with kettlebells, clean & press and front squat are where it's at, preferably with doubles. Press can be substituted with push press or jerk, squat can be substituted with lunges.

Snatches and rows are awesome too.

Third tier for me would be goblet squats, swings and heavy single kb presses.

Anything outside of that is at best situationally useful.
@ronlin I really like Dan Jon Armor Building. I normally do one minute ABC, next minute Pull Ups. It’s my go to workout when I have no idea what to do, but have a short window to put in work.
@nas22345 ABC + pull-ups and push-ups is my go to 3x per week. The two days between I do 20min EMOM of 10 swings.

Making awesome progress and onto a lower resistance band and actually have some noticeable lats now.
@kepet I sprinkle it in with the classic movements at volume as time permits on a given day, rarely do it as a standalone. Often it's a "closer" that convinces me it's time to stop lol. I basically started following this
for programming, and my time slot for throwing in ABC is usually 5-10 minutes. Given the intervals I can handle it at (about 1min on/30sec rest), if I have less time I go heavier vs lighter for longer cycles. Depending on where it fits in on a given day, 3 full rounds of it @ 40# is more than enough.... and other days a solid strict press @ 25# for 7-10 rounds is also a killer. Definitely feel improvement in the areas it works even though this is fairly casual (dare I say sloppy?) programming.

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