Nerd Math - the Mark of the Wildman (The 'Missing Playlist' for Mark Wildman's "Nerd Math" Kettlebell Programming)


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Key videos to watch before designing a Wildman-style KB program:

KB Order of Ops (Learning) - should be which exercises to learn first, but is actually about general KB training concepts.

6 Basic KB Movements lists and demos the movements to learn first.

Sensible order: [deadlift,] swing, TGU/goblet squat, [rack hold], clean, press, snatch.


Nerd Math - Basic Breakdown P1

Nerd Math - Basic Breakdown P2

Volume Cycles - the secret to building monster athletic programs

Volume cycles use fixed weight and # reps, building up # sets (before backing down, with an increased weight). CF 'density cycles', using fixed weight and # sets, and building up # reps. MW mostly uses volume cycles.

Nerd Math for the KB Big 5:

Examples of how to program swing, TGU, C&P, snatch & squat:

Swing - a density cycle, perhaps because it's designed to fit in 10 mins?

TGU #1 - Time Under Tension - a kind of volume cycle, with 1 rep sets, alternating sides, building up to 10 mins rather than X sets.

TGU #2 - other ways to progress when you've hit #1's target with your desired weight


Snatch 1 - volume cycle

Snatch 2 - density cycle

Squat - KB vs BB

Overview of progressive kettlebell nerd math training: Heavy/Light

Heavy / light Kettlebell training with One weight

For anything more complicated, watch the 'Tetris of Training' videos (#1 here) which discuss combining several training modalities.

I've watched most of these, but didn't rewatch them to compile this; corrections/suggestions welcome!
@fbgah My personal Wildman story and Funny that it’s either love or hate with him (like so many things in life :) About a year and a half ago I decided the gut needed to go at 43 years old. Not into gym memberships, not an expert, and didn’t have room for lots of equipment. Did a little research and came across kettlebells due to the swing being a good cardio/fat burner. Found some basic YouTube videos for kettlebell work outs but it was a lot of stuff you could do with any weight. Russian twists, halos, deadlifts, squats etc. No cleans, presses, TGUs and snatches. Then I came across one of his videos in my YouTube feed. So I bit. Now……..I’m an analytical person by nature and I like precise explanations and repetition. And was in need of a better program. His six basic kettlebell movement video got my attention as well as some of the philosophy that followed it. IE how kettlebell movements relate to daily movements (asymmetric loads like holding a bag or my kid etc) Came across everything you have organized here and put the program in place as it is in the Tetris video. Also adding 15lb club on Wednesday, snatches on Saturday and doing a heavy light cycle. I was not in great shape but not way out either. Started with a 16kg comp style bell. Then heavy light with the 20kg . Just pushed thru all the goals with a 20kg a few weeks ago. And now working with a 24kg and 28kg heavy/light cycle. Are there better programs for strength gains. Maybe, probably, I don’t know. But here’s what I’ll say after doing his program for about a year. I’m stronger and I started losing more weight faster doing this program. Back pain/soreness which I accepted as a part of life from time to time is gone. I like knowing I’m doing more every week instead of the same workout (like some YouTube workouts). It has a good structure, and it’s easy to plan into my day which is busy already. Long story short. It’s likely not the best program for all out gains and strength in the shortest time possible. But it’s made me better without as huge a time investment. IMHO it’s made for many people that have so much time and want something more then going to the gym and doing normal stuff. I think I’ll follow thru up to the 32kg and after that look for something else. Last but not least I did also watch Pavels video for form on all of these movements which filled in a few gaps Wildman had. And after a few months the wife tried the program with lighter bells and went down a pant size in a few months. And also liked that she felt stronger but didn’t look like a body builder. Just a more toned version of herself. I lost 25lbs, the gut is gone and I look “fit/cut” but not ripped. So to each their own but I wanted to share this. There’s no silver bullet but there’s my good experience.
@oathtofaith It was a (semi) serious question! (I've only seen the clip, and frankly didn't get the joke :( )

I'm getting a bit more ambi doing (mostly) high-rep circles with very light clubs (up to 32 reps with... 2-3kg :p).

His six basic kettlebell movement video

I'll add this!

BTW, is it worth doing a similar post on his 'Tetris of training' vids?
@fbgah It’s a line from Zoolander: “I'm not an ambi-turner. It's a problem I had since I was a baby. I can't turn left.” 😎

I’m following his single hand club program video. When I saw the club stuff I was like oooo that looks fun and I like unique. Definitely works things differently. Almost wish I started with a 10lb as the 15lb was hard to learn shield casts with. Sore arms for days in the beginning. Had to slow down and work those muscles up slowly but now can do about 14 sets of shield casts alternating 5 per side before I get overworked. Heaviest 15lbs I’ve ever held. Ordered a 20lb in preparation for the next step.
It’s a line from Zoolander: “I'm not an ambi-turner. It's a problem I had since I was a baby. I can't turn left.” 😎

Yes, ... but how is it a joke??? The 'point of humour' is lost on me - I assume because I haven't seen the whole movie?

Heaviest 15lbs I’ve ever held.

Lol I can believe it. I've had sore wrists/forearms/elbows from 2kg (used for high ballistic reps though). Fortunately I have a loadable contraption, so I can tune it to 0.5kg.

Consider a mace if you have space to swing it. I just got a mace-contraption and Xlbs on that's even heavier than on club. And I've only got it set up about 70cm long... (An average mace is 90-100cm I think, and I can also set it up to be 90cm long. But 70cm works better for quick sets in my mom's basement.)
@fbgah Eh just some irreverent humor I guess. Wasn’t my favorite comedy but had its moments. Looked into a mace, but went with the MW recommendation to learn club first. Not that his recommendations can’t be broken. Will likely look into one later. They look cool. Need more ceiling for sure at my house. And expenses are a consideration. Started with a rogue club but the short length of the 15lb was hard to shield cast. Tried a tacfit which was over twice the price but the extra length gave it more of a pendulum feel. It was just easier to get momentum with behind my back. The rogue was a good test but the tacfit was a better purchase.
@oathtofaith You can make a mace with a plant pot, cement, two nails and a broom handle! Search youtube for 'make gada' (Indian word for mace).

Then just use it for basic moves like shield casts, 360s, 10-2s etc for a while. (The MW recommendation is about the more complex moves I think.)
@fbgah Great overview! I'd also add that the 'Tetris of Training' videos are pretty useful to tie everything together and build a good program.
@fbgah I feel like your missing the double kettlebell math videos for clean and press and squat.

blew my mind when I saw them never programmed anything in that way before.
@fbgah I anticipate this post getting linked to quite a lot going forward.

Good work.

p.s. Not sure why MW gets so much hate on this sub but even his detractors must admit that these videos are great for beginners, and definitely better than “going it alone.”
@fbgah Yep. Still not sure why.

But I must admit, MW did slide down a notch or two in my book when he said this in his recent video on Armor Building Complex:

This was created by a trainer called “Dan John,” I believe his name is.

I really hope Wildman was kidding. Every meathead should know who Dan John is. I mean c’mon.
I really hope Wildman was kidding. Every meathead should know who Dan John is.

I think MW's picked up stuff from all over the place, and may be a bit hazy on 'who thunk up what'. So it's possible Dan John doesn't loom quite as large for him.

I do wish he'd credit people a bit better (eg explicitly say this came from Sonnon/Pavel/Cotter/Ivanov/Shaolin/Xingyi/Persia/India for things that aren't innovations of his own...)
@faithinmet Some combination of delivery that rubs many people the wrong way, his kind of cringey older videos about training like ancient warriors, weird cues like feet always should be forward and kettlebell movements should be thumbs towards you, because thumbs away will snap your arm.

There’s a lot more weird stuff, but I’m pretty sure he was an RKC II & before his knee injuries his physique was pretty sick, and he was a circus guy I think right?

I used to find him kind of annoying but now I’m just neutral on him. I’d probably prefer a good number of resources over him though.