New Year’s Resolution & 2024 Fitness Goals Megathread

@nathan2018 This year my goal was to get a compliment from someone in the gym, unfortunately I didn't get any again. For next year I'm going to work even harder and hopefully I'll get my first compliment soon!
@chrissy You have no control of other people's actions, so this is not a goal that you can actively work to achieve. Many people won't comment on other people in the gym (I personally would never as I don't feel it's appropriate to comment on other people's bodies). Choose a goal that's in your control!
@chrissy I second @dhilawinslate-for-life-1984. Especially since compliments are kind of a gym etiquette gray zone - a lot of people wouldn’t do it because they don’t want to be seen as rude.
@chrissy I say this with all affection - maybe build a goal that doesn’t rely on getting affirmation from others, and make the goal be something about your accomplishment. Like lifting a new amount, or recording xx minutes a week of cardio, like that. You be you; don’t think about what others think about you.
@nathan2018 I am new to the sub!

I didn’t really set fitness goals last year. 2024
I hope to:
  • Consistently strength train. I plan to start with Before the Barbell tomorrow! I have access to a gym at work and go to the office 3 days a week, so plan to go on those days (minus tomorrow - will use my dumbbells at home)
  • Complete YWA 30 days of yoga and then continue with a short practice 1-2 times a week
  • Work on my posture. I plan to look up stretching videos for it but also make a PT appt.
I’m a pretty avid walker and will continue to do that. I hope to get back to walking first thing in the AM…just hard to do with a 4-year old
@nathan2018 Spent most of this year trying to diagnose and recover from some pretty gnarly hip flexor pain and weakness. As a result, all of my lifts stalled except my jerk. Hoping for some new PRs in 2024, and am aiming to fill out my new weight class better
@nathan2018 2023 goals
  • get back into running - specifically follow the C25k, bridge to 10k routines
    • this did not happen, almost at all. i don't think running is for me
  • learn to play hockey
    • took my first learn to play class in april, joined a league in september, have been playing 2x a week most of the year
2024 goals
  • lift 3x a week
    • working this around my work schedule will be hard but i think its doable
    • need to keep in mind i'm not as strong as i was ~5 year ago and need to take it slow at the start
  • find a third night to play hockey
@nathan2018 I didn’t set any fitness goals last year as we were trying for our second baby so I hoped to be pregnant. I had baby #2 in September and feel relatively awesome physically but also feel very out of shape.

So I’m starting small with very low expectations what with have a toddler and a baby at home. I’m going to attempt Yoga with Adrienne everyday in January and then decide what will come after that, after that haha. I need to get back into a habit of drinking more water again and I really really need to commit to taking my iron supplement.

I’ll start with those three things in January and see where we end up!
@nathan2018 My 2023 goals were to lose COVID weight. I spend the first half of the year at a deficit and got down to 125 from 140. I decided to recomp the remainder of the year. Currently I’m 130 and learning to eat intuitively. I kinda went overboard on the eating and now I am bloated and dealing with that. For 2024 I want to make better food choices because I don’t want to track forever. Maybe the last half of the year I will focus on a slight cut. I think 125 is the sweet spot.

Recently I have been focusing on strength and notice more muscle.
@nathan2018 My goal in 2023 was abs for summer. I did get them, but it was through over-training and under-eating. I learned I'm able to be consistent and reach my goals, which was a huge confidence booster. I also got an important reminder that I need to keep health as my first priority. I learned a lot about myself and how to better set goals for myself.

My two fitness goals for this year are to do a pull-up and a floor l-sit. Flexibility-wise I want to be able to do a front split.
@nathan2018 2023: My goal was to become consistent in the gym (4-5 days/week) and focus fully on strength training (versus previously being a sporadic fitness class attender) with the hope of improving overall strength and mobility and, tbh, I am so fucking proud of myself. Fully drank the Kool-Aid and have become a committed 5 day/week gym rat, and have seen so many positive changes both physically and mentally (and overall health wise - drinking less, better sleep schedule, better diet, etc). Aesthetic changes were really never my primary goal, but having visible abs for the first time in my life at 32 was definitely not on my bingo card for 2023.

2024: If 2023 was about building consistency, I would say the focus of 2024 will be upping the ante and going deeper. I have started liiiiightly doing barbell work in the last couple of months, and would like to really focus on compound lifts for this upcoming. Also still chasing the elusive pull-up (I'm soooooo freaking close).

Final note, I am so thankful to this positive and supportive community. I truly lurk the threads every day and I'm personally invested in all of y'all even if I don't always comment. About a year ago I made a post here at the very start of my fitness journey about my apprehension working out/strength training as someone with a "nonstandard" body/underlying back issues, and the outpouring of support, insight and shared experiences were a really huge part of empowering me to jump in with both feet and not get hung up on "perfect" form and presentation. I have been BLOWN AWAY with what I have been able to accomplish this year, so if anyone else is on the fence - you got this! Love ya, xxfitness!
@nathan2018 2023: I focused on DIY and gardening, and my strength training really helped with that. I learned a lot of new skills. I can't wait to continue this into 2024.

2024: I want to lose 10kg as buying a fixer-upper had other effects. If I can just stop eating junk food and takeaways (I know exactly where my downfall lies), I'll reach that easily.

Have a fantastic year, fitness fanatics :) May 2024 be everything you wished for!
@nathan2018 I lost 30 pounds, did a bird of paradise pose in yoga, and increased my cardio fitness on my Apple Watch from below average to above average. It was a good year!! I ended 2023 by renting a wetsuit (previously would have been stressful) and having a fun time learning to surf. 🏄‍♀️

Next year I want to lose another 20-30 pounds, do a push up, and register for a 5k race.
@bishop Hey, I have the same 2024 goals as you! ... Without any of the 2023 accomplishments, but half twinsies!

I have about 40 pounds to lose, which seems like a lot for a year. I'd like to do a real pushup (ideally 5)- my chest is super tight/weak so I can't get anywhere near 90°, but some flexibility and upper body work will hopefully rectify that.
@ariaspen It sounds kind of silly, but Reddit made the difference for me with losing weight. Just having a community and inspiration posts, mostly. I liked r/CICO best. No tips about pushups but if I find any I’ll let you know haha. Good luck this year!!