Novice strength levels - 0-1 rep a week even in calorie surplus, high protein, good sleep

@cybernetic You want to get stronger? Have you tried a strength focused routine? 5/3/1 or 5x5? You need to follow a program that is not written by you… another good resource is Bigger Leaner Stronger by Mike Mathews. Buy it used if you’re on a student budget.

Lastly you say you’re at an RPE9 but have you ever failed? Some people (me included) think they have 1 in the tank when they actually have 3 or more. Getting a spotter will help you find out.
@cybernetic Sounds like you're at a reasonable weight... I was having issues with increasing my bench for quite a long time. I switched to 5x5 for barbell bench at higher weight and added dumbbell press and saw progress after that. Maybe worth a try?
@cybernetic Maybe volume is also hindering your progress. You need to run a good periodization and focus on gaining some strength there, but for that you'll have to sacrifice volume to some extent. I'd look into that if I were you
@jesusluvsyou You think I’m doing too much volume? I’m not doing anything crazy, but would like your input if I can send you an image of where my program is at right now. I do periodise my programs, I have the first week as RPE7 and then ramp up week to week. Volume also increases week to week depending on muscle soreness. I use a lot of the advice from Scientific Principle of Hypertrophy Training by Mike Israetel.
@theadmiral Because I’m doing hypertrophy training.

My programs work, I program for my mate who’s only been lifting a year and he’s already benching 40kg in each hands for reps. I’m just weird genetically I guess.
Because I’m doing hypertrophy training


Are you suggesting that it's not possible to gain size on any other program? Or that being stronger wouldn't help towards that goal?

Have you gained any significant size during your years of training?

My programs work, I program for my mate who’s only been lifting a year and he’s already benching 40kg in each hands for reps.

Maybe you should ask him what he's doing differently?

I’m just weird genetically I guess.

The more likely scenario is that you're doing something wrong
@theadmiral No, I’m suggesting I want to build the most size as possible so I’m doing hypertrophy training and increasing volume week to week.

Nope. Most of the year was spent cutting weight from bulking too hard last year, and being stuck in Albania for months. Only just back to a surplus now on my second mesocycle.

Wanna know what he’s doing differently? He’s not tracking his calories, he’s not tracking his protein, he’s not doing RPE, he’s not got perfect form. he’s just going in and lifting maximally every workout without much else.

Maybe, but the only thing I’m suspicious of is my perception of of my own RPE.
@cybernetic Good luck on your next 8 years then? I don’t know, if my goal were to build muscle as efficiently as possible to the point of getting defensive over it, I probably would have reevaluated what I was doing 7 years ago.
@lyndsey I’m not being defensive, I’m being brutally honest with everything I am and am not doing and where I could probably re-evaluate, like with RPE for example.