OFFICIAL RR UPDATE: New Year's New Routine(s)! --- (Coming Up in 2 Weeks: a Total Beginner's Community Exercise Event! ) ---

@jcoliver75 Having a place to row is ideal, but there will be a (less good) substitute for rows for people that cant acquire a place to row by day 1! Other than that, no equipment should be necessary
@belteshazzar07 Unfortunately, exercise modification for injury is a bit too complex and individual to be giving blanket recommendations for. Your best bet would be to work with a coach/trainer that is educated in rehab and injury management with strength training, or a strength training savvy physiotherapist.
@dontdosadness I have resistance bands I like to use at home, would there be "alternative" workouts or information that would allow the functionality of resistance bands in the program? I'm quite new but have been very interested in the RR and am excited to be able to start!
@dontdosadness this is great and im looking forward to joining in but can someone please do a youtube video of themselves doing the routines so i can see what the movements are with all the names of things it confuses me cheers.
@papy2191 In an ideal world there would be one video with the overall structure, one for the warm ups, then one for each exercise/movement with each progression in order, all linked on the routine page.

However, that would be a ton of work, and enough videos already exist without adding a bunch more. It just takes some leg work on your end. Read the routine, and when you hit something unclear type it into youtube.

Antranik had a pretty good RR video, but once you start getting into all the different progression paths it ends up just as daunting. Hopefully the new intro routine will help spoon feed it in a more approachable way.
@dontdosadness I want to do this. I need to look past the fact of a limit that I have concerning pull-ups. Where I live I CANNOT put in any pull-up device. Every doorframe lacks space around for a bar, at least all the models I've seen.
@seerly Get creative. Buy rings and toss them over a tree, or over bars in a stairwell, or install a hook in the ceiling. Buy a wall mounted bar. If you really want to make it work you'll find a way.
@lawrenceryan I will have to move, because I have no stairwell and my ceilings are sketchy AF and I have no wall space. The tree thing works if I am not expected to ... ya, I need to move. Thanks for the tips though, my apartment just sucks.
@seerly Apartment living sucks, especially in winter. Look around for a park if you live outside of "frozen hellscape land", otherwise just keep an eye out for an unlikely solution. Best of luck.
@dontdosadness I started the RR a little over a month ago with my now training partner who is a total beginner. I on the other hand have been training calisthenics for 3 years now. It has been fun to do the RR together bc I never had a training partner before. So I'm sad to see it gone forever bc it isn't that feasible to do 2 different workouts together.

I had to make some modifications to it though: I changed the progression paths of the 2 leg exercises to a jumping and weighted variation bc of my knee injury, included band progressions of pullup and dip for my training partner in addition to negatives bc of recovery problems, and most importantly I ran it as a concurrent periodisation program for me bc I made good progress in the beginning but quickly stalled in progress (1 hard nearly max effort workout, 1 medium and 1 easy high volume, changing variations every 1-3 weeks, deload week when I no longer add reps or even subtract 2 workouts in a row which is every 3-5 weeks for most, added a skill/active recovery day on off days )

I will probably make a post about it bc this might get buried in the comment section.
@akeneta The RR isn't gone forever. It will still be available in an "old routines" section, it just won't be the main advertised routine on the sub that everyone is recommended to do.