OFFICIAL RR UPDATE: New Year's New Routine(s)! --- (Coming Up in 2 Weeks: a Total Beginner's Community Exercise Event! ) ---

@dontdosadness Hello, it's me who offered the phone copy paste job over on Discord :) (Also, I made the printable PDF).

Just wanted to say thanks for all the work and thought that's clearly gone into this already. I've been using the RR on and off (heh ) for a couple years and it has been very good to me, especially recently during horrible lockdown times.

I recently persuaded my partner to join me and they did find the current RR pretty intimidating even with me there to look things up and explain (they're on different progressions to me) so I do think it will make a big difference to have a bit of an intro. I'm also SUPER curious to see how far away I am from the RR's 'end goal'!

Edit: what's GST?
@pablo2210 I'm doing exactly the same thing right now. I just added the Yaad exercises, plus some time to practice handstand balance, on top of the normal RR (rather than replacing one of the excercises).