OFFICIAL RR UPDATE: New Year's New Routine(s)! --- (Coming Up in 2 Weeks: a Total Beginner's Community Exercise Event! ) ---

@dontdosadness This is exciting! I began weight training about 2 months ago, have lost about 30 lbs with 100 to go. Will there be modifications for injuries? I had a devastating knee injury about 2 years ago and I'm trying to strengthen it, but explosive movements are pretty terrifying. Thank you for all of your hard work. I'm excited to see what y'all come up with :D
@dontdosadness Hey /@dontdosadness, sounds like a great idea. I remember when I started the RR a while back as a complete exercise ignoramus (2015ish? Wow, it was so different then) and felt like I was constantly alternating between excitement and pure frustration. One big memory was trying to learn the movements and wasting 20 minutes of my workout time watching the frustratingly drawn out videos which all overly emphasized how to exactly place an elbow angle or whatnot when all I wanted to do was to see a demo of the exercise and find a way to get going, even if I didn't do it exactly perfect. Hopefully the new Primer Routine will be able to get people started right away without all the precision knowledge.

Also, in the post, is there supposed to be a linked picture of a flowchart? Just from looking at this sentence:

Here is an early draft of a flowchart of how that may work out, a slightly prettier, finalized version of this will likely be in the wiki in the future to help newcomers pick between the routines. (in that pic, intro to BWF is the 'BWF Primer'. The name keeps changing!)
@dontdosadness Sounds like a great way to do it - getting going while simultaneously feeding the knowledge and excitement of learning more without being overwhelming. Can't wait to see it all laid out. Also, who doesn't like a good Flowchart :). RR totally changed my fitness life and it's nice to see it continuing to evolve. I appreciate your contributions!
@dontdosadness Is there a way to get each day of the two week routine sent via email? I know I may forget to log in to check the sub, but knowing it's going to ping into my inbox would be uber helpful!
@allis0ne Interesting idea! The only way I can imagine that would work is if I were to do it via my website, which I might be able to figure out how to do, but it'll be cutting it close.

In next week's post I will ask if others would be interested in that as well. If enough people want it, I will see what I can do!
@dawn16 It will come out day by day. And the 2 week routine is the build up to the full BWF Primer Routine.

Essentially the 2 week event is the BWF Primer Routine but broken up into chunks, with a new part added cumulatively every day so that you start with only one exercise and a little reading on day one, and by day 14 you are doing the whole routine.

And from there you will transition into doing that routine with more volume 3x per week.

But this will be explained in the next week's post.
@dontdosadness Also for the beginners like me...... even though the routine is coming on 1st Jan...... do some workout until then..... doesnt have to be the RR.... just dont procrastinate working ot to 1st Jan because the mew routine is coming
@dontdosadness That is great news and I'm happy about this update and really appreciate what the mods are doing for this community.

Also this will help a lot of people who don't have time to plan their workout after they get to the intermediate level. Thank you
@dontdosadness I am excited. I really got into it a while back (5 years ago) but ultimately could not keep up with it primarily due to how time consuming it was. I could not get it under an hour and half despite everyone saying it should only take 45-50 min. how long do you anticipate these new versions to take? Thanks for doing this