Please reassure me my home gym isn’t dumb

@evachristine Your co worker is kinda weird for that, not gonna lie. You’re fine, I don’t see why it’d be weird to anyone else.

Also I feel that, at the moment I just use weights and resistance bands that I have at home. Ultimately as long as I’m making progress and staying consistent/healthy, then who cares?
@evachristine I'm very confused about what aspect of your home gym you find embarrassing. A home gym is something a lot of folks can only dream of, and it's aspirational - something you work towards if you're lucky. Is it the idea that people will see evidence of your efforts to be fit that you find uncomfortable? Are you anxious it's not fancy enough to be considered a "proper" home gym? Is your space set up in a way that doesn't feel aesthetically pleasing? I'm just lost as to where these feelings are coming from (though it does sound much less tied to the reality of your space than your general anxiety, in which case I hope you find help to start addressing that too!)
@sarahrm you’re right. I think i just never hear or see people in my circles discussing them so i didn’t have a good finger on the pulse of the home gym community. also, i think the weird shame stems from feeling like im not fit enough or like im throwing a bunch of money at a phase. i do use it regularly, i guess its just a little imposter syndrome.
@evachristine I appreciate the context! I hope these comments have helped alleviate your feelings of embarrassment - they appear to be stemming from very real emotions about yourself and your hard work to be fit, and not from any objective issues with your set up. I hope you're proud of what you're doing and the awesome space you've created to do it in!
@evachristine It's definitely a form of anxiety. I would say, why do you care? But if you have social anxiety, that would be why, so I won't ask. All I can say is that you are doing great, and you are worthy, and you are amazing. Keep it up! And your coworker sounds like an idiot for saying that lol What a dumb comment. When someone is sharing details about their home gym, you don't put it down. That's just bad social skills on her part. Please hold your head high and don't let other people get to you. They aren't all that.

I should also add, that not for everyone, but for MANY people, the gym is a cult. Not working out in a home gym, but GOING to the gym. The whole dynamic is very culty. Just the fact that someone would not see working out in private as worthy enough compared to actually going to a gym proves that. If you are getting fit, it's the same thing. But to these types, it's not. Because it's a cult lol
@evachristine It’s not dumb at all. My in laws have a home gym and I’d love to have one too if I had the space and extra cash.

Enjoy your gym! You won’t be waiting for people to finish their set
@evachristine Man you could be my bff ... I have gym anxiety as well, despite being a trainer. I never use the gym.and have used little home gym kits all my life. This year, I took the plunge and turned my little garden room into a proper gym-only room. Happy days. You're not weird alone ... we're equally weird my friend 🙃
@evachristine I'm currently walking on the treadmill in my home gym. Love the peace of being alone and not feeling self conscious with other people around. I went to various public gyms for years and definitely prefer this. Enjoy your home gym! :)
@evachristine We built a home gym back in 2018 and it has ruined me for real gyms. It is quiet, never busy and I only ever have to harass my husband to stop using equipment I want. I've also lost 40 lbs in my home gym since January so it is very much an actual gym I am not ashamed of.
@evachristine I would LOVE to have a home gym. Goals! It’s def not weird, it’s efficient, convenient, customizable, and saves money! Gym memberships are expensive! Plus who likes public showers?

Coworker is just jealous.
@evachristine I love my home gym. I can fit a workout in whenever I want to. It costs me significantly less money than a membership and I don’t have to waste time driving to and from the gym. Also, I can workout in my pyjamas and still spend time kissing my pups in between sets.
@evachristine Home gyms are the best!! I WISH I had a squat rack and treadmill like you do :) The best part is that you can work out in your underwear during hot summer days and nobody would be the wiser, LOL!

I get up at 4AM to get my workouts in cause my work day starts at 6AM. I love the convenience of a home gym and not having to drive anywhere that early in the morning. I have stayed consistent in my workouts because of this routine and I've gotten used to this schedule, as long as I go to bed early. By the time I get off work, I don't have to worry about being wiped out from a busy work day and then having to rush to a crowded gym to fight over machines and weights.

I have a Les Mills weight set, an adjustable dumbbell set and a spin bike (although I do also have a gym membership) and I love that anytime I feel like working out, I have everything at my fingertips. I only go to the gym to take the group ex classes when I'm feeling extroverted and don't really even use their equipment if I'm being honest. Maybe I might go on the treadmill but I hate that when I run I breathe like Darth Vader so that's usually a no go.

Ignore your co-worker and the naysayers. Embrace what you have...we're here to support you!
@evachristine I've had a gym membership and a boot camp membership and I canceled both because I just prefer to work out at home. Honestly I've had the best results working out at home. I just want to do my own thing, not be approached, not have to wait for machines, I don't want to talk to anyone... it works really well for me. I just have a little foldable treadmill and some free weights ans really that's all I need! Not dumb at all.
@evachristine I totally get where you’re coming from. I’m not a group fitness person and I don’t like “gym culture” (no offense at all to those who love it)! For some people the gym is the highlight of their day, and that’s awesome —for them! But I feel awkward wrestling with machines and equipment. I am easily demotivated, especially after work. I’ve tried everything from super high end to super inexpensive gyms and ultimately running outside and working out at home is what works for me. The best workout is the one that you’ll actually do. Don’t stop doing something that’s working for you because of what someone else may think.
@evachristine Not dumb at all! I had a similar setup at one point but I had to disassemble it because I needed to make the room back into a bedroom. But long term it's cheaper to have your own equipment than to pay a monthly fee to the gym, and it removes a barrier to getting your workout done when you don't even have to leave the house!